

*For a moment as the judge speaks and the words of being guilty are hurd Lockheart's heart sinks. How could this happen.

A small gasp escapes Katie's lips. No, they coulent all go to jail. Lockheart had done so good, she had made a strong case.*

* A tear rolls from Rosetta's eye as her grip tighten around Mick's hand. Her Ranch, her home, her friends....all gone.*

*The chatter and gasps, mermers continue untill the sound of the judges gavel is hurd when all falls silent again. No one quit understanding what was going on.

As the judge continues and the rest of what he has to say it hurd, as the names are read off, name of the past, faces forgoten but remembered. Names of people who dident even know this hearing was going on stricken clean. Faces break off into smiles, joy fills hearts bringing hope.

Finally when the draws to a close and the room goes crazy everyone stands. Excitment, hope running through the air.

Lockhear smiles back at Reese. Her face bright a beaming. It felt good to know these people were free now.*

"It was my pleasesure Reese. I am glad it worked out for the best."

*For a moment Misty forgets about her ingorys and stands jumping into Carson's arms and wraping her legs around him wincing once but not caring.*

"Like I mind being stuck with you."

*Misty rolls her eyes and leans in pressing her lips to Carson's.

Beaming Aerith throws her arms around Wyatt.*

"Thank you Lord...thank you."

*Squeezing Wyatt alittle tighter Aerith cant help but start to giggle as she draws away.*

"Oh I'm so happy you guys won Wyatt. This is wonderful."

*Katie returns Scott's kiss with enthusasum. Kaite's heart sang for joy. One capter in life was closed and another was now open. What more could she ask for.

Nate stands and embraces Laura. A million emotions running through his mind.*

"We did, We'er free."

*As Jamie is lifted into the air wraped in Con's arms she cant help but let out a stong laugh that runs out through the court room. The joy, the releaf was over welming. Giving Con a Kiss on the lips till her lets her down Jamie cant help but let out a whoop of her own...yelling.*


*Jamie makes her way to the door pulling Con along in excitment. Followed by everyone alse.*

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