

Lockheart's words drive hope into those waiting. Her courage, her passion…it is what they all felt and all desired to express. Honor rested among them…humility for the acts they had done without prior praise. Recognition was not something they were used to, but here and now, it felt good. No matter what happened, no one regretted their involvement with TJY.

As Lockheart finishes and sits next to Reese and turns his head to give her a nod, expressing his gratitude. His eyes reflect his feelings that she had done her best, for the best of TJY and no one else could have done better.

Those at the ranch listen intently, drawn in by what was happening. All await the judge’s response.

Judge Mills leans back in his chair and scans the eyes that look upon him. The room is deathly quiet. One could hear a pin drop. Someone’s foot scuffs the floor, making someone else jump. A bird flutters by one of the windows, an unnecessary annoyance rising as the tension continues.

Fingering his gavel, Judge Mills remains deep in thought, not allowing the quietness to pressure him into a quick decision.

He glances down to sift through his papers once more before finally raising his head again. “We will recess. Please reconvene in forty-five minutes.”

As he rises from his seat, the TJY group sinks lower in their chairs. They just wanted to know the verdict. Some rise to stretch their legs. The policemen at the doors allow them to move about and leave the room to use the restrooms or the water fountain.

Carson bounces his leg nervously and goes for a pack of gum. Jason paces in the corner. Others just sit and wait, silent, with no words to speak.

The forty-five minutes seem to take an eternity. But right on time, the judge returns, forcing everyone back into their seats, eyes forward once again. No one dares murmur a sound.

Judge Mills’ voice takes over the room once more. “Never in all my years as a judge have I ever come across a case even close to this one. Never have I had anything even close to what I’m hearing now. It really is absurd. An underground corporation of vigilantes? But the proof is here.” He holds up a stack of papers, including those Lockheart had given him. “You exist, and apparently this thing called the Agency exists as well.”

He scans the expectant faces. “I don’t think I have to remind you all that everyone here deserves to spend time behind bars one way or another. Despite your desperation, feeling alone, and longing to help others, your actions have not only gone above the law, but in some cases have been downright illegal.”

Several TJY staff swallow hard. Scott’s fingers tighten around Katie’s. Jason sits rigid in his seat, his knuckles growing white from the fists he holds in his lap. Con keeps his grip on Jamie’s hand. Laura’s eyes shift to the side, searching for reassurance in Nate. Wyatt stiffens, ready for Aerith needing to leave. Carson grits his teeth, feeling Misty next to him, and finding it hard not to run. All are quiet. All are tense.

Judge Mills continues. “All of you deserve punishment in one form or another. The case I see is black and white. I honestly have no legal reason to let you off the hook, despite your willingness to come forward, and your strong defense.”

Hearts begin to sink. This was it. This was the end.

The mess hall at the ranch is deathly still. All eyes remain glued to the screen as they hear what’s happening. This wasn’t good. The judge was aiming in the wrong direction. No…he couldn’t do this. Not after Lockheart’s words. Not after her plea that exposed the very heart of TJY.

Judge Mills’ face remain solemn. “My ruling is as follows. I find TJY, its employees and all affiliates in state and out…guilty.”

Eyes widen in shock. Jaws drop. Shock like a wave surges across the courtroom.

The ranch messhall sits in stunned silence. After all their work…after that speech by Lockheart – how could this be happening?!

Cindy chokes on a muffled sob as she tries not to distract from what the others are viewing.

Mumblings break out across the courtroom as irritation rises. There is hurt and anger. No one understands how this could be happening. Not after all that Lockheart and Sheriff Brown had done. Not after all their efforts.

The judge raps his gavel on the stand loudly. “Order!” he demands. “Or you’ll all be held in contempt of court.” He watches and waits until there is silence again.
“The sentencing is as follows: Those employed by TJY, and its affiliates in and out of state are hereby sentenced to…considering commitments and contracts, signing on to a new branch of law enforcement – the Elite.”

Eyes widen even further. What was going on?

Judge Mills continues matter-of-factly. “Anyone may consider not joining the Elite, but if not an employee, they must remain uninvolved in future cases, and if interfering with this law enforcement, will be treated as civilian.” He picks up several sheets of paper. “Along with your obligations to upholding the law, whether part of the Elite or not, and considering past heroisms, comes the state of Nevada’s obligations to recognize the efforts of TJY and its band of vigilantes for the help they have provided to law enforcement. Upon this recognition, the state of Nevada hereby grants pardons to the following persons. This does not mean that criminal acts outside of lawful efforts, such as by those who may have been employed by the Agency, have gone ignored, however, I feel it is more worth to start with clean slates than dredge up individual crimes. Therefore, the names are: Michael Henson, Rosetta Pent, James and Rebecca Henson, Tyler Henson, Wes and Cindy Henson…” The names continue to be rattled off.

Those in the courtroom and those at the ranch are on the edges of their seats, all waiting to hear their names. Hope had been restored. Was this really happening this way? Was it really, truly turning out how they had hoped and prayed it would?

“…Angel Lachey, Wendy Lachey, Luke Trahern…Samantha Henson…Annie Henson…Trent Pent…”

Trent sinks down further in his chair, stunned. Of all people, he should have been stricken from that list.

“…Austin Stevenson…Casey (Carter) Stevenson…Nathaniel Driers…Conrad Gibbs…Laura Gibbs…” The names continue, listing everyone from far and wide, who had ever touched on any case either involving the Agency, or dealing directly with TJY. “Greg Timble, Dr. Jack Timble, Xander Trahern…Jeffrey Pent, Eric Pent…Derek Stevenson…”

Jason tenses just a little, hearing the name of his father. It sounded strange…he’d seen it in print when going through old files, but hearing it aloud felt…just strange.

“…Jason Stevenson…Katherine Pent…Scott Johnson, Sapphire Johnson…Misty Miller…Carson Banks…”

Though assuming it was coming, Carson feels a strange pang as his name is read. He was pardoned…Him…of all people…the worst of the worst… being pardoned….it was…humbling.

“…Rick and Janet Johnston…Wesley Sanders…Allen Bryers…Angelica Lockheart…Mike Reese, Wyatt Reese…Mississippi Lachey…Trish Anderson…Jamie Franklin…Clint Henson, Rosalynn Henson, Tyler Baker-Henson…Melanie Thomas…Damien Shaw…” Name after name after name…those with TJY, those from Texas, family members, those heavily involved in work, those who simply knew of their work. “…Gary Miles…Hal Timbs…”

The list goes on until Judge Mills is finally finished reading off the names. Drawing them to a close, he sets his paper down, though still speaks. “Any names omitted from this list may submit requests to be pardoned that I will grant as I see fit.”

He looks out on all the faces again. “Details regarding the forming and employment of the Elite is now handed over to Sheriff Brown. He will deal with individuals and process as he sees fit outside of this courtroom.”

Pausing again, he scans the stunned expressions, and a trace of a smile can be seen on his stern face. “Court adjourned. Now please – I have a murder trial next, and I need this room.” Feeling the shocked silence, he waves them off. “So get out of here and celebrate your win, or I’m going to drag you all back in here again!”

Suddenly someone lets out a whoop and everyone is on their feet.

Con stands abruptly, and grabs Jamie, lifting her off her feet and spinning her around.

Reese tilts his head back and closes his eyes, letting out a long slow breath of relief. Turning, he looks to Lockheart. “Thank you…”

Carson stands with the others and grins at Misty, his eyes regaining their spark. “Looks like you’re still stuck with me.”

Wyatt breaths a sigh of relief and he can’t help his smile as he turns to Aerith. “I can’t believe we did it…we really did it…” His hand tightens around hers. “I guess I’ll get that hug after all.”

Jason leans his back up against the wall, just closing his eyes for a moment, his hands in his pockets. It was over…the hiding was over…and best of all – he would not have to go back to prison. Relief wasn’t half of what he felt. Opening his eyes, he scans his coworkers…his friends. Their lives would still be changing, but it was in the right direction this time. Giving a little nod, he’s one of the first to head out of the courtroom.

Scott’s head whips around to Katie, his eyes wide. Slowly a smile spreads. Without needing to say anything, he draws her close and plants a kiss on her lips, not caring who was there or watching.

Laura gets to her feet, bouncing just a little as she looks to Nate, her smile spreading from ear to ear. “We won! We really won!”

Cheers break out through the mess hall back at the ranch as excitement can’t be contained. Tears of joy stream down faces. Hugs, laughter and loud chatter can’t be contained.

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