

Everyone ready to leave stands in silence as Lockheart speaks. Though no one knows what will happen, and though this time is grim, her strong words seem to provide strength to those who need it. No matter what, they were proud of who they were and what they had done through TJY.

Reese gives Lockheart a nod as she finishes. Looking over his staff, he grows a little solemn. “Whatever happens today guys…you have been the best staff anyone could ask for. I’m proud to not only call you my employees, but to call you my friends. Thank you for putting your heart, souls and lives on the line for the cause of TJY. It’s been an honor.”

Giving another short, decisive nod, he claps his hands. “Alright! Everybody load up, or we’re going to be late!” He gestures to Lockheart. “I’m driving van two – you can ride shotgun with me.”

Wyatt shakes his head at Aerith. “No, I don’t know yet. I think it will be okay though…we’ll just have to see if the bailiff will let you in. Probably if you just stick with me, you can slip in without anyone questioning.”

He turns his head for just a moment, keeping one eye on the road. “Thanks for coming, Aerith…it means a lot. If things go south today…it might get kind of crazy, so all I need you to do is get out fast if that happens so you don’t get caught in the middle. Then go straight back to Mom and Pop’s so they can help you out.”

Wyatt reaches a hand over to take Aerith’s. “But just keep praying that doesn’t happen.”

After a few minutes as they pull onto the highway to head to the next town, Wyatt chuckles. “Great timing.” Coming down the road are three black vans. “There’s the gang. We’ll slip in behind them.”

The trip takes them half an hour. To some it seems long, to others it seems too short. Friends sit near each other to offer support, though not many words are said. Those in love clasp hands, trying to give each other comfort and hope. So much was at stake…so much on the line.

As the large courthouse comes into view, the vans file into the parking lot along with Wyatt’s jeep. Parking in a row, everyone gets out and waits for Reese and Lockheart to lead the way.

Reese gives one last glance over his people, then to Lockheart. “Let’s go.”

The small crowd receive many strange glances from passers by, looking at them with question. Who were they? What were they doing here? Were they good or bad, heading into court?

Up the steps and inside the wide open foyer, Sheriff Brown is waiting. He steps forward, offering his hand to Reese then Lockheart. Relief shows on his face. “I trusted you guys, but it’s good to see you actually came.” His eyes scan the others. “Wow…you do have quite a base.”

Reese chuckles. “This is just who’s in the office.”

“Alrighty then…” Brown takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Follow me. Judge Mills will be here soon and the proceedings are to start in twenty minutes.”

The whole group marches down the tiled halls until they reach two tall doors that lead into a large courtroom filled with more than enough seats. Reese gestures to everyone. “If you could all please find your seats, I would appreciate it. I know from Reese you all are honorable people, but it’s my job to remind you to remain respectful, quiet unless spoken to, and above all, cause no riots or you will only make things worse for yourselves. I want this thing to work out as much as any of you, because I’ve been convinced what you people have been doing is right. But my job is to help keep peace.”

Understanding and complying, the TJY group begins to find their seats.

Scott breaks away to approach Brown himself, offering a handshake even though his stomach was in knots from nervousness. “Hi, I’m Scott Johnson.”

“Ah, yes.” Brown nods as he shakes his hand. “You’re the tech guy.”

“That’s right.”

“Good. We got everything set up just how Reese said you’d need it, so feel free to come on over and do what you have to do.”

Scott holds up his cell phone. “I’ll have to call up to the Texas ranch so they can be set up too.”

“No problem.”

Scott glances behind him to find Katie and gives her a little wink. He knew she’d save a seat next to her for him.

It doesn’t take Scott long to get the camera set up, and after calling Pete to get things going at the ranch, everything was in place.

The courtroom grows quiet. Scott’s hand is around Katie’s as they wait. Laura sits nervously next to Nate. Con has an arm around Jamie, trying not to think of the worst. Carson is next to Misty with his fingers entwined in hers. Jason sits off to the side surrounded by a few empty seats, letting his own thoughts run rampant. Wyatt, who had received permission to let Aerith in, sits with her quietly near the back.

The mess hall at the ranch sits in silence as all eyes focus on the screen. It was a wide shot of the courtroom, showing just the edge of the crowd that was there, and the judge’s stand. All wait…all worry…all pray. Mick keeps Rosetta’s hand in his, his mind drifting from her there with him, to the little boy down the hall who played, clueless about what was really happening here.

Cindy leans her head on Wes’ shoulder, her courage keeping back the tears. She can just see Jason to the side of the screen.

Luke glances to his side at Angel, giving her an encouraging nod. He had faith...he had to.

Sparky and Mel sit next to each other, quietly waiting with the others. Before the proceedings begin, Sparky’s hand creeps over to hers and takes it to give it a gentle squeeze.

“All rise!”

A thunderous sound erupts as everyone stands. Judge Mills makes his way to his stand, his black robe proving his authoritative position. As he sits down, the room lowers once again. The bailiff announces the case, and everyone waits for the judge to speak.

Looking out across the room, his gray hair shows years of experience, his eyes not telling whether this was a case that he was intrigued by or annoyed by.

“I have reviewed this case thoroughly.” Judge Mill’s voice is deep, demanding attention. “You all know why you’re here. I see no reason to repeat details we all know and waste courtroom time. As such, I would like to proceed with this case as quickly an efficiently as we can.” His eyes scan the faces of those on trial. “I will hear from your representative and I will make a judgment based on your plea and based upon the information I have already reviewed. Anyone to create a disturbance before or after my judgment will be thrown out of this courtroom.”

He pauses for effect. “Miss Lockheart. Please step forward and present your case.”

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