

*As Lockheart exits the office with Reese and scans all the faces a certin more confitint air forms around her. She was strong and needed to be stronger for every single person in this room. Clearing her throt Lockheart waves her hand in the air.*

"Excuse me people. Please if you could pay attachen to me for a moment. I have a few thinks I would like to talk to you about that is important."

*Lockheart waits as the room draws silent and everyone turns her way. Looking out into all the eyes Lockheart finds the strength. Glanding at Reese fast and than looking back out at everyone she finally speaks again.*

"Today is an important day, only that will be the foundation of TJY's freedome. There is no I can't, or wonts...there is only do, and will. Your faith has gotten you this far, it will see you through till the end and today we WILL walk out of that courtroom free to speak this companys name. The Agency will learn to fear TJY, and cring more than they do now when they hear the name. Today we go into battle and come out the winners."

*Lockheart scans the faces again, one to another. They eyes of many telling there storys. They hope displayed, the fear. It was there but it gave them life, and there faith was also pressent.*

"There are a few things I do ask though. Once we go into that court room, all must me silent. No matter what is said, you must not speak unless put up on that stand to testafy. I am sure non of you will be put up there but it is always a possablity. If any of you are just tell the truth, dont sugar coat it and it will be ok."

*Lockheart offers a smile to the crowd of people once more.*

"Well unless Reese has anything he would like to say. We are as ready as we ever are going to be."

*Lockheart looks to Reese to see if he had anything to add.*

*Aerith is releaved to see Wyatt pull up finally before Frankie can even think about coming into the restront or talking to her. Waving to Herb and Mable again they give her there wishes for Jamie and Aerith leaves again opening the door and jumping into the jeep. Leaning over Aerith gives him a quick kiss in the cheek.*

"Good timing."

*As Wyatt and Aerith pulls away Aerith dosent even bother to look where Frankie is but can feel his eyes watching the car as it pulls away.

As Aerith's smile returns to her face Aerith turns to talk to Wyatt.*

"So do we know if I will be able to come in or if I will have to wait outside? Anything I should know so its not a saprise?"

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