

Stopping suddenly Alice has to take a few steps back to retrace and become even with Kyle again. Just staring back at him while he looks to her she can feel the smile grow a tiny bit on her face. Not only was Kyle describing her but he was describing himself as well.

Feeling the rain start to fall Alice dosnt mind it. The refreshing droplets felt nice on her skin even if it was cold out. Listing to Kyle she just soaks is up as he just continues to talk to her freely, noding her head everyone in a while letting him know she was in fact listing.

"Sometimes its easyer to talk to people who have no idea who they are because they wont judge us, or sometimes because we never will have to see them again."

As it starts to rain harder Alice follows Kyle to the sheltered area. Looking out at the rain falling Alice is almost lost in through as she still listen to Kyle talk. Folding her arms on the table she just looks over the table at Kyle.

"You know, desitions can be hard things. We never know if we are making the right ones are not, but the best way to judge them is if they feel right. I am sure your friends will understand whatever desition you make. Sure they might be upset at first but in the end they will give you there sapport."

Repositioning herself on the hard hard bench Alice sits so she is strattling the bench first and than brings her legs up to fold them indian style. Just watching the rain fall for a moment the breeze that came along with it was cold but felt good on her skin.

Seeing Kyle move out of the courner of her eye she turns her head to watching. Giving a chuckle as he stepped out into the rain Alice just shakes her head not even bothering trying to talk to him knowing he probley wouldnt hear her anyways.

Finally unfolding her legs and seeing Kyle lay on the sidewalk Alice just cocks her head for a moment. Slowly standing up she takes a few steps forward out from underneath the dry shelter herself letting the cold drops soak her to the bone. Whiping her hair out of her face she makes her way over to where Kyle layed. Slowly lowering herself down next to him Alice lays out flat the same way Kyle was.

As the rain hits her in the face she finally makes out some words yelling them for Kyle to hear.

"You know, when you burns some bridges..."

Alice turns her head and squints to look at Kyle through the rain."

"...God always makes the opertunity to build new ones."

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