
Mountain man

Well, the conviction is certainly true. I mean, I found all the records. There’s no doubt that he was guilty – they had all the proof the court needed.

Jason thinks for several more minutes before closing a folder over the printout.

I’ll talk to Carson first chance I get. If he knows, then I’ll feel better about it. If he doesn’t, then maybe I’ll leave it in his hands as someone who knows Axel better than I do.

Standing up, Jason moves to leave his office. Trooper gets up expectantly, eager to finally go home.

See you tomorrow, Hero. Sleep well.

Con doesn’t open his eyes as Jamie cuddles into him, but he slips an arm around her, giving her a loving squeeze. “I love you too,” he responds quietly.

Finally he moves to give her head a kiss. “I’m sorry I haven’t been good for much lately.” His hand moves to rub up and down her back. “Maybe once I’m back with Titan things will get better.”

Axel looks up at the dark sky, finding the moon behind the clouds that were finally parting after being thick all day.

His arms wrapped around his knees, he breaths in the cool night air. Not many would notice him perched atop the roof of the auto shop. But it was the perfect vantage point, and a spot where he could feel far away from the world, if just for a little while.

Closing his eyes, he lets the breeze wash over him. He had so many questions. So many unknowns.

“Thank you.” Luke moves down the hotel hallway, Jeff close behind. It had taken a bit of doing, but after finally convincing the guy at the hotel desk that Luke was Angel’s husband, he was able to obtain a key.

It doesn’t take long to find her room, and after knocking with no response, Luke fumbles with the lock.

“Here.” Jeff reaches in to help. He knew that Luke was exhausted. After getting thrown from a horse early that morning, it was amazing he was walking at all. But his determination to see Angel had won out.

Getting inside the dim room, Luke finds the light switch, and glances around to spot Angel in bed. “Angel?”

He moves closer, easing down on the bed next to her. “Angel… come on, babe… wake up…. We’re here.” He brushes some hair from her face, his jaw tightening with concern as he sees how pale she is. He gently rubs her arm, trying to rouse her. “Angel… For me… you have to wake up.”

Jeff stands back waiting, ready to go for the phone if they couldn’t wake her.

Gunner paces the foyer of the hotel, every once in a while glancing up to throw a smile to the man behind the desk. It was a smile that was born of humor for the look he kept receiving.

The hotel manager continued to steal glances at the stranger who was pacing. He looked like he was some mountain man, his shoulder-length hair pulled back in a scraggly ponytail, his beard in need of a trim. The streak of gray in his hair seemed out of place, and his worn flannel shirt made him look even more the part of some lumberjack.

Gunner knew exactly what was going through the guy’s head, and continued to toy with him, not choosing to exit, but staying right where he was, finding it very funny. He knew what he looked like, and loved even more to see people’s reactions. More important though, he was waiting for word from Jeff or Luke. He knew Angel and was concerned for her as well. But if she was sick, it wouldn’t be the hospital they would go to, but TJY instead. With something like this, they couldn’t help but wonder if there was some part of the Agency involved, and if that was the case, she would get more help at the infirmary than the hospital.

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