
More about you

Alice intently listens to Kyle as he talks. Taking a few moments here and there to take her eyes from him and jot things down on her note pad. Walking and talking with him was nice she enjoyed it and listing to him talk was just as exciting. This was something she loved to do and enjoyed.

Continuing to listen and stop and go in rhythm with Kyle all her questions had been answered to a T though the few things she was looking for being left out, his emotions, his feeling. No matter his answer he dodged around it though his eyes betrayed him and she could see the emotions wanting to come out.

Alice dosnt mind as they slip off the bath. They had been walking for quite a while and it felt good to now stop. Taking a space in the shade she faces Kyle looking down at her note pad for a moment writing some more stuff down before looking up at him again and giving a soft giggle before pulling a few twinkies out of her bag. Offering one to Kyle she smile.

"I know its not much but it might be something to curve that hunger in your tummy because I am talking to you not him."

Alice cant help but laugh her he own stupid joke now figuring how stupid it probley sounded to Kyle.

"So, you answered all my question but now I think I want to know more of the emotional side of everything. Like how does it feel for you to be on stage, and what are some of the best moments you have had, whats the energy like up there. I could only imagen its quite exciting."

Drawing silent again Alice just studys Kyle for a long moment. There was something about him that made Alice for curiouse and intrested, just something about this man standing infront of her that made her want to know what it was. She found him intresting when he had hardly even said anything about himself.

"Also if you could tell me a little about yourself outside the band. Like what are some things you like to do, hobbies, where you work and stuff like that?!"

Alice holds her smile as she continues to listen to Kyle and intently watch him. Her eyes sparkling as her enthuseasum and spunk shown through for what she loved to do.

Jess lets out a playful gasp at Axel's comment. Her eyes gave a small sparkle.

"How could you say I was lying. I remember our actions but not really what we were talking about so there..."

After the words were out of her mouth Jess eyes grow just a little as color comes to her face for her boldness with Axel. Sitting back in the booth for a moment she is silent. Finally as her color goes back to normal Jess speaks again.

"Well at least your not picky. I figured you would like what I had because who does like eggs and bacon right? Ha, I'm not really that picky myself only thing you will never get me to touch is liver."

Making a face one could tell who didnt know the conversation something was said that Jess didnt like. Than after she gives a laugh. Today she felt more comfortable with Axel than she had days before. Maybe the more time she spent with him the more comfrotable she was or maybe spending the time she had with Rocky had helped her open up just a little more.

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