
I think

Alice slowly sits down her legs crossed on a nice patch of grass as she looks up at Kyle. Still listing closely she takes everything in only jotting down a few things. Her mind was like taking a picture she could remember words well and things that were by someone just saying a simple word.

Once she see Kyle start to walk again Alice jumps up and makes her way to catch up alone side of him. His energy was amazing even if it was a sugar high. Alice had to addmit it to herself it was nice to see someone alse who could keep up with her.

Hearing Kyle talk about his selfworth Alice frowns just a little bit. What could cause someone who was so full of life to think so little of themself liks this. Without even thinking about how bold it was Alice just starts to talk.

"You know Kyle, finding if someone is special or not depends on who is looking at you. Worth, is not skin deep it goes far deeper than that. If you have made a person smile, made a person love than you are worth alot. Your worth more than you know, and I find you very intresting."

For a moment Alice is quiet but than before Kyle can say anything she continues.

"What I want to get from this, is to get to know a side of Kyle Mitts than most people done care to see. Thats why I love my job. I get to look into people and things, I get to pick about the bad and the good and it helps me get to know, and understand a person better. I get to see the finer side of someone that everyone alse dosnt have time to and than I write it all out, I put it into words so others can shair what I have found out and seen. Your fasanating Kyle, and your intresting even if you think your life is boring. The finer side to you, is amazing."

Looking away Alice fiddles with her bad for a moment and than pulls out a small picture of herself from back in her highschool days when she was in the drama club. Holding it out to Kyle she smiles.

"You know back than I though I was going to be an actress. I love acting out words, and putting my own emotions to them. Than I hit a bump in the road and I was confused in what to do next. I started writing not thinking it would amount to anything. But than I relized I liked writing the words more than acting them. I liked giving emotion another way."

Leting out a sigh Alice puts the photo back into her bag and for a moment is silent as she relives her days of past.

"You see...even now I am not sure where I am headed and if this is what I will do for the rest of my life. I cant only hope. But if I step away at least I know I tryed and if this truly is what I am ment to do God will show me the way back. You gotta take those chanses and make those risks even if you know other wont agree so your gonna be stuck not going anywhere. I think, after the short time I have spent here with you, your gonna make it big someday if you just give yourself more credit than you do, and you start worrying about you more than anyone alse."

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