
Watching her

Coming into the living room Jamie stands in the doorway for a long moment knowing Con probley did not know she was there. Just watching her husband for a long moment Jamie lets out a soft sigh. She new things had been hard on him latley and she felt so bad for him. He was trying so hard and it was starting to wair him down.

Slowly walking in the rest of the way Jamie lowers herself down on the coutch next to Con she snuggles into him and draps her arm across his chest.

"I love you Con."

Was the only words she said. She did love him, and dispight anything she was happy. How could she not be. Con was her dream, and it came true.

Tuning into what Jason said Katie listens intently on what he had to say. A bit shocked Katie isnt sure what to even say. A million differnt emotions run through her as she trys to process this information.

I....He seemed pretty nice when we met him. I mean a little stand-off-ish but all in all an ok guy. Than again I guess someone could be puttin on a show for anyone alse.

Katie stops for a moment. she didnt know what to think on the matter. It was obveous that they should be caustios, but what alse should she thing?

I'd hate to jump to conclutions on something like this and it end up being a missunderstanding. Maybe you should talk with Carson and see what happens. I wouldnt wait to long though just incase it is true.

Sitting down on the coutch after the long night at work Jess turns the tv on. It had been a long say filled with strange avents. Most pushed off as just forgetfulness or cawinceadince that it had happend or certin things were found.

Flipping though the channels Jess takes a sip of her beer. The night was a bore and there really wasnt anything on tv right now. Finally setting her drink down though she find an old movie to watch and curled up on the coutch she difts off to sleep unawair of the eyes that layed watching her.

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