

Keeping the smile on her face Alice gives a nod to Katie as they are introduced and Katie gives a nod back.

"Nice to meet you."

"Like wise."

Katie replys.

After both ladys introduce themself the silence lingers for only a moment until Kyle's outburst is made know. Startling Katie she gives a tiny jump. Not exspecting something like that from Kyle.

Nothing seemingly shocked by Kyle's outburst Alice just turns her head to look at him the smile still playing on her lips. What ran through her mind was nothing bad about Kyle and her oppion of him was not changing at all. For all she saw now was a man who was confused and hurt, that needed a good time again.

" I can see you are in a fole mood, and might think you wouldnt be good company but if I really thought that I wouldnt have invited you to come with me. Your friend can come to if she like."

Alice gives a nod to Katie not really sure if that was just a friend or Kyle's girlfriend but eather way she didnt want to step on toes.

Giving a small smile Katie backs up a few steps. She wasnt sure who Alice was but she new Kyle and that was enough to say she was an ok person. She couldnt protect him from everything.

"Oh no...thank you for the invite but I probley should be going myself now. I only wanted to make sure Kyle was going to be ok."

Giving his arm a light tap Katie gives a smile to him.

"If you need anything Kyle please call ok?"

Misty looks up at Carson a grin playing on her face. She was going to miss him too but she new this was something though he didnt say it he was looking forward to and help me feel a certin sence of acceptince again.

Just stairing back into Carson eyes for a moment Misty closes her own as his lips touched hers. Like a million times before it always felt new and fresh when Carosn kissed her. Never had she tired of them as she held a new emotions and a new adventure. Pulling away for a moment an ever so familure sassy grin forms on on her lips.

"You can stock up on as many as you need I certinly wont mind, because I need to stock up on my own too."

Leaning in again Misty brings her lips to Carson's taking in the moment once more. Bringing her on arm to his back and the other to his head she runs her fingers slowly through his hair as her heart beat in her chest fastly. Moments like this Misty wished would never die though she new they had to.

Pulling away once again Misty smile up at him a glint in her eyes.

"If we dont get back now, I might not let you go back at all."

Bringing a hand to his face she runs a thumb down his cheek.

"I sure am gonna miss you."

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