

For a moment Katie is almost stunned as she finds out what there mission is for. Katie had hurd that Angel was here and was hoping to see her but this is not how she exspected it.

Angel is sick J...thats....

For a moment somthing clicks in Katie's mind that almost makes her wonder. Her emotions that was sent out was a strong one that perhaps she didnt mean to. The thought of her mother cross her mind as a sadness is attached.

We have to help her J we have to.

As the meeting continues Katie listens closely and cant help the small laugh that escapes her lips as Carson mentions Jason and her talking ability.

"I cant promise anything Carson but I will try my best to keep you in the loop on what is said."

As Katie goes to say more she in interrupted by Austin bursting into the room. Shocked for a moment Katie just sits there a listins till finally she cant take it any longer

"Austin, we are very capable of many things as you can see. You've shot everyone down long enough I think its about time you just see how capable we are."

As Katie's statment goes un noticed she just sits back in her chair and lets out a sigh as the fighting between the two men continue. The emotions of Jason over flowing mixed with her own.

Turning her head slightly as Carson ushers the two men into the other room a small smerk forms on her face as her eyes meet Carson's.

"I understand and untill they do shut up or straghten whatever out I'll just have to deal."

Sitting in the chair again Katie trys to consintrat on the peace of paper she was holding though it wasnt working to well prepairing herself for the explotion that was going to come. She new it would and she was feeling the affects already.

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