
Heart to heart

*Katie watches as the officers leave. Something tugging at the back of her mind. What did they want with Jason? Were they the good cops or the bad cops. Katie dident know the answer to that question but she got a sickning feeling in her tummy when she though about it. Something was going to happen. Something bad that could change life forever.*

*Jamie sits down across from Con. The look on his face said he had alot on him mind. Jamie searches his eyes but finds nothing.*

"Con whats wrong? Talk to me Hun! Whats going on inside the head of yours?"

*Mable comes out from the kitchen and is about to say something when Herb stops her shakes his head.*

"Now is not the time Mable."

*Mable looks back at Con and Jamie alittle closer the look on there faces showed something was wrong.*

"I guess your right. I'll get them there drinks."

*Wes sighs and nods.*

"I know your having a rough time with Dylan to Mick. Just hang in there ok. Dont let him go again so easly. He needs to know you wont give up on him. Even if he is being a moster. When the going gets rough love him tighter."

*As Mick comment about Cindy Wes cant help but let his own smile grow on his face.*

"Ya well I have to say the same thing about Rosetta too."

*Wes stops for a moment thinking.*

"She is so happy Mick and you did that for her. Your a good guy. I'm happy you finally relized what you had before it was gone. Rosetta with anyone alse just wouldent be the same and I see that now. I know Mick things havent been great for us in the past and, well somethings might of just been plane silly but I was wondering at Cindy and I wedding if you would be my best man. I love you Bro and I wouldent want anyone alse up there with me doing that honnor."

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