
Two Brothers

*As Misty sits at her desk she looks out the window. It looked so nice outside. Carson's words replay in her mind. They bring a comforting smile to her face. Even though she had people who loved her for a long time she felt alone. Like something was missing. But something that had to do with Carson was changing that. Misty dident know what this feeling was and it scaired her a bit, but it was there non the less. Misty goes back to her paper trying to consintrate.*

*Katie looks up from the picture she was drawing a new banner for Jetstream. Looking between both men for a moment and thanking.*

"He should be back here soon. What...what did you guys need with Jason? Did something happen to Cindy?"

*As Rosetta hears Dylan's reply she lets out a sigh.*

"Ok, I'll just leave this hear than. Feel free to take a look if you want to."

*Rosetta sets the box down on the small porch. Than turns and heads to the barn.*

*Wes emerges from the shop and scans the yard. He has seen Mick walk off twords the pastures and wonders if his brother is still there. Taking long strides Wes makes his way past the barns and the office. Finally reaching the pasture he see Mick leaning on a fence. Coming up along side of him Wes leans his back aganst is as well resting his elbows on it.*

"Hey Bro, I havent talked to you that much in a while. I wanted to say sorry for that. I guess I get get lost in my work and with the wedding coming up, and building the house I got lost in time. "

*Jamie smiles and laughs at Jason.*

"Cool people have scars right?"

*Jamie links her arm with Con and smiles up at him. It felt good to smile without the restrant of the sitches. *

"Something to eat sounds good. I am starving. See ya later Hotshot."

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