
We meet again

*Seeing Nate come out of the bathroom Nate stands from his desk.*

"Well you dont look so scary when you looks clean."

*Nate cant help but smile as she shakes his head.*

"I bet your hungry huh? Come one lets go to the breakroom. I dont think anyone should be there at this time of day."

*Once again heading past Rick's office and to the breakroom. Its mostly empty except for one body in the room standing at the microwave. Its not hard to tell who it is.*

"Misty you just look to pop out of thin air dont you?"

*Misty turns around to see Nate and Carson not hearing them come in. She smile a smerk as she leans on the counter.*

"Huh, I guess I do. This keeps going on and people are gonna think I have everything planed or something. "

*Nate shakes his head and smiles a tad pit.*

"Carson the vending mashean is there just take what you want. I'll be right back need to head to the rest room. Misty he's in your hands."

*As Nate starts to leave he turns and looks at Misty.*

"And I DONT mean that litterly ok."

*Jamie trys to smile her best at Reese.*

"Dont worry I'm not here to work. I needed to talk to you about geting some personal leave. I promised a friend before she died I would go to Texas and finish something for her. I'd like to follow through with that. I also just need to clean my head Reese and get rid of my gitter. Con told me to R/M ranch is very peacful, so I guess that might be a good place. But only with your ok."

*Jamie holds her smile at Reese though her eyes still show some strain and worry. Hearing a loud noise behind her Jamie spins around scaning the sarounding. Relizing its nothing she turns back to Reese her smiles now gone.*

"I cant deal with this it still hurts so much."

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