
Finding the Fool

*Jamie beams as those three simple words hit hear ears. Hearing Con say them for the first time made her heart jump. Still feeling Con's arm around her Jamie cant help but widen her smile. She was so very happy.*

*As Mable and Herb watch from the kitchen both turning there head to look at eachother and smile. Slowly Herb pulls Mable in for a hug.*

"We did good with her. Now she has someone alse to watch over and protect her. She has someone good."

*Wes runs along side his brother smiling.*

"Ya your some old man. Race ya to see who can get the most back in the pasture."

*Wes gets a silly gine on his face as he dashes ahead of Mick.*

*As Misty works on finishing a report she would have to turn in for her inturnship she looks at the clock it was almost 9. She had stayed later than she planed. Not that it really mattered she would just be going home to an empty house anyways. Leting out a sigh she looks down again at her paper and continues to write.

A suddon shadow across the desk and floor makes Misty look up. Following the shadow with her eyes back to the owner. She is a bit saprised to see Carson standing in the door way. Soon the saprise is gone and her Sassy smile makes its way back to her face.*

"Well this is intresting. Your coming to me for one insted of the other way around. Or is it your trying to find that fool you were talking about earlyer to tell him thank you for me?"

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