

Carson keeps his eyes fixed on his food, taking Misty's comment about who he was more seriously than intended. It was a deeper question than he'd care to dwell on.
After a moment, a sheepish smile playing with his lips to reveal he feels a bit silly for having said what he did. "Oh, it was just something stupid some fool named Carson Banks wrote down one day when he was bored."

He looks up quickly as Nate returns and watches Misty leave. He speeds up his eating, knowing that he'll probably be on his way back to the holding cell now. "Yeah, I know," he comments to Nate. "I'm coming."

A uniformed police officer and another man make their way down the hall of the hospital. They pause, both looking at the number on Katie's door and exchange glances. They turn to the nurse's station, and begin to question her, their voices low, and produce a picture for the nurse to see. Their words are muffled if heard from any of the rooms, though a name jumps out. Jason Stevenson. The nurse nods and returns the conversation, keeping the two newcomers busy with information.

Mick slams the bunkhouse door in frustration and steps off the porch behind his son. "You know what, Dylan? I'm tired. I've tried over and over again to get some sense knocked into your head and it just isn't working." He holds up his hands in defeat. "You want to go home, I'll send you. Your sister figures it's time for her to go back too, so I'll send you with her and you can go back to your mother and stepfather and do whatever it is you want to do so badly that you can't function here."

Dylan glares at his father, frustration and anger behind his blue eyes. "Took you long enough. When can I leave?"

"Jade will go next week."

Dylan rolls his eyes. "Just stay off my back until then."

Mick sets his hands on his hips, so tired of this battle. A sadness tears at his heart as something that he just can't seem to heal. "Fine," he replies in a lower tone. "Stay out of trouble and I will."

Dylan scoffs before spinning on his heel and aiming for his own bunk. He gives a forceful kick to the ground, sending a spray of gravel into the air.

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