

Carson stares at Nate, the words seeping in, grasping for any hope he had left…for it was there…unseen, unfelt, disregarded…but it was there. The depth of Nate’s words resound with force, grasped and understood on a level not often visited. But any response just doesn’t come, and he remains silent, a dullness about him as he shields himself from pain.

Following Nate out of the stuffy room, he keeps his hands hooked in his pockets, his head high with a confidence he lacked on the inside. Around here he had no rank. He had no status. He had no respect. Most would want him dead. Around here, he was the enemy, no matter if he was giving out information or not.

Numbly receiving the bag of clothes, Carson catches Nate’s eyes, question flickering in his own. Why the kindness? It was confusing to him… the feeling rising in the pit of his stomach was similar to what he had experienced with Jamie in that basement when she had said she forgave him. What was with these people?

He opens his mouth to say something, but realizes he has nothing intelligent to say. A movement catches his eye and he glances across the floor, spotting Jamie. For an instant, he almost wants to hide. Not for fear, but because he knows the horror in her eyes…and before he even realizes it, Carson unconsciously cares enough to not want her to go through that horror again. But too late, she has spotted him as well.

Carson turns his back quickly to head for the bathroom. It doesn’t take him long to shower, get into clean clothes and finally be clean shaven again. He needs a belt for the jeans, but can’t help but be grateful for Nate’s help at all…generosity was something he hadn’t experienced in a long time.

Finished, he appears to be much more clean-cut now, despite the hardness in his eyes that he is determined to hold on to. “Alright…guess it’s back to the holding cell for me, eh?”

Reese is just entering his office when he sees Jamie approaching. He raises his eyebrows, then looks at her with gentle sternness. “And what, may I ask, are you doing here, young lady?”

Jason watches Carson follow Nate, and decides to get some fresh air. Making it outside, he spots Con’s car, and now realizes how Jamie had gotten there. Deciding to avoid a harsh exchange though, Jason sticks near the building.

Con scans the letter in his hand, new thoughts invading his mind. Maybe this was his answer…maybe this was what he could do… Looking up, he spies Jason. A guilty ache hits his gut. He hadn’t talked to his friend since slugging him, and now knew he needed to.

Taking a deep breath, he exits his car and goes to Jason.

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