
A long time

Stepping outside Angelica takes in the night air. After being in the stuffy room for most of the night the fresh air felt good on her skin and in her lungs. The noises of the city drowned on and Angelica payed little attachen to them. This was home and where she was use to being, this for her was normal.

Looking to Reese Angelica can feel her cheeks turn a shade of red at his comment. Just stairing at Reese with her big brown eyes twinkling in the moonlight she takes him in as well. It was not ever day they looked like they but it was nice to see the change. The light blue shirt that Reese had underneath his black blazer braught out his eyes and made them seem to almost dance in the moonlight.

"You know the city never bothered me to much until I went out to Nevada. Coming back and forth isnt that big of a deal but I am relizing just how much the city drives me crazy. Well this city anyways."

Angelica is quiet again for a moment as she looks out at the buildings and watching the cars pass by. People down on the side walks walking with hast to a destination unknown.

"You dont need to be sorry anymore Mike I think you made up for it quite well."

Turning to look at Reese again Angelica smiles at him. This had been a nice saprise something no one had ever done for her. As Reese takes her fingers and interlocks his own with them a strange tingle goes down Angelica's spine. Tighting her own grip on his fingers sligltly Angelica can feel her face turn red again as she looks up at Reese as he makes his comment. Looking into Reese eyes Angelica felt something she hadnt felt in so long. Everything about Reese made her feel good inside, and put butterflys in her stomach. Her own heart started to race as the silence continues. For sure she though Reese would hear it.

Taking a few steps closer Angelica knows that now is the time to let go, happyness was standing infront of her once again and what a shame it would be to push it away even if she was scaired. She had gotten to know Reese and new he was a good guy. Life was about risks and this was one she didnt want to turn down.

Bringing her free hand up to the side of Reese face she just runs her thumb over her cheek the smile making its way to her lips once again. Locking eyes with Reese Angelica keeps her voice soft.

"Tell me I am beautiful again Mike because its been a long time someone has made me feel the way you do."

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