
30 or 40 years

*Jamie stands at the kitchen stove fliping the grilled cheese and grabs a can of tomato soup out of the cabnit.*

"Sounds good. I'm just making us some cheese sandwitches and some soup. Should be done soon."

*As Jamie starts to pour the soup into the pan a loud crashing noise sounds outside causing her to jump into the air her arm puming the tha pan and spilling soup all over the place. Finally catching her breath Jamie looks down on the floor at the mess.*

"You have got to be kidding me."

*Grabing some paper towls Jamie sinks to the floor trying to controll her tears knowing Con is near and not wanting to upset him yet a few slip though as she voice shakes.*

"I've....I've got popcorn we can eat and play games or some...something."

*Misty listens to Carson and stands walks over to a cabnet and looking at some items than turns around.*

"Somebody like you, thats strange you dont look to be dieing, like your running out of time. You look like your strong, with lots of will power. I say you got a good 30 or 40 years left in you and that certinly will give you enough time to turn around and make a future for youself. You relize quite a few people here have had a past like yours. Blood on there hands, yet they are here. You have more in common with these people than you think. So snap out of it and if you want to change, change, dont just stand there and wallow in self pitty cuz thats what your doing. Let someone help you, help youself. and trust those around you now."

*Misty eyes search Carson face her sassyness showing in her eyes. Finally Misty looks away and walks past Carson to go to her desk.*

*Katie cant help but laugh at Jason.*

"You poor thing. We are gonna have to take a trip the walmart or something when I get out and so some shopping. I could go for a shopping spree myself. Have to get some stuff to fix up the new room Laura has for me anyways. Its bigger than my last room."

*Kaite smiles as she bites into her pizza. Pulling it away as the cheese strings out with her.*

*Nate searches Laura's face for a long moment. Something was wrong again and she was in no shape to go in with him. In case Carson did try anything Laura was in no shape. Nate rethinks what to do for a moment before speeking.*

"Ok, I was gonna do it now but I need to get some stuff together first. Haw about around 4 or 5 we can? Thats not to late for you is it?"

*Nate smiles at Laura leting his concern show though. He worryed for her. He dident know why but the new feeling of worry was there.*

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