

Receiving Misty’s words, Carson holds no guilt for his actions, his eyes only showing cocky amusement for her feisty reaction. He half expects a slap to the face and stiffens to receive it, though he wouldn’t have done anything differently.

Instead though, he’s taken by surprise yet again as Misty draws him in for another kiss. He can’t help it that his pulse beats a little faster at her own impulsiveness, or that he’s lured in by the taste…by the scent of her sweet perfume. She felt small in his arms, but was full of energetic fire that appealed to his interest. His hands make their way to her back, keeping her in a tight hold, allowing her own action remain as long as she wills it to.

Rick makes his way back to his office, a bit of paperwork in hand. He pushes open the door to his office, still looking down. “Misty, would you…” As he looks up, his voice trails off.

Hearing Rick’s voice, Carson is immediately brought back to reality, separating himself from Misty, but it’s too late.

Rick’s eyes widen, and assumptions enter his mind before he can even think. Anger surges through his veins, as he sees the enemy holding Misty, kissing her, no less. Sure that Carson has pushed himself on the young woman, Rick wastes no time in getting to them both, grabbing Carson by the arm, and whipping him to the side, slamming him back-first into the countertop.

Not having had the gumption to brace himself or fight back, Carson winces as he hits the edge of the counter, but manages to stay on his feet. Looking at Rick’s angry face, he holds up a hand, “Look, I…”

He can’t finish as Rick’s knuckles are planted on his mouth. Rick withdraws his hand flexing it as the hit had stung more than anticipated.

Carson is twisted around with the impact, and leans both hands on the counter, blinking and trying to catch his breath.

Too upset to even let anyone talk, Rick grabs him by the back of the shirt and manhandles him towards the door. “See if I give you another chance,” he hisses. “You’re going back in that cell and staying there ‘til you rot for all I care!”

Carson stumbles forward, still unnerved enough not to retaliate, something in the back of his mind reminding him not to go up against this crowd. He felt no guilt, only stupidity for getting caught. He doesn’t have time to reflect on what just happened though.

Rick manages to get him out into the hall, with a quick knee to the lower back. “Nate!” he bellows. “Get down here now!”

Con shakes his head as he pours their drinks and checks on the soup again. “You have nothing to apologize for, Jamie, and I don’t want you to ever think an of this is your fault.”

He takes the plate of sandwiches to the table, then returns with the drinks before going to finish the soup. “It won’t last forever…I know you better than that…you’re too strong to let this keep you down.” Con’s eyes study the tomato soup for a moment, his mind drifting again. What did the future hold?

Sighing, he turns off the stove and finds a couple bowls, spooning out a portion for Jamie and himself, then makes it to the table again to sit down across from her. He reaches over to take her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Everything will be fine…I promise.”

Laura gives a little sigh as she watches Nate walk away. After this morning, she certainly didn’t deserve such offers from him. He was being so sweet. It felt nice…just to know someone cared. She knew everyone there cared about her, but Nate was letting his actions follow through with that care, and Laura couldn’t help but notice.

Jason can’t help his laugh. “Liked the ride that much, huh?” He gives her a sly grin. “We’ll probably stay on our designated route this time, but we really should go look for that phone of yours sometime…” He throws her a wink, polishing off his final piece of pizza.

“Well…” He stands up to stretch and yawn, but stops suddenly, wincing at the pain in his face. “Ooh, that smarts.” He grimaces. “I do need to get back to work though. I’ll try to make it back around supper time before taking off for Mike’s. If any of the guys call, tell them we’ll be coming.”

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