
I want to get out

*Jamie gives a slight nod to Con.*

"Ya I know I hate it too. But i guess we have to sometimes even though it bites."

*Jamie studys Con for a long while.*

"What are you going to do Con? Since your life is changing. Whatever it is I'll saport you 100%. As long as there was be room for me."

*Not much talking takes place but Jamie enjoyed Con's company non the less. She likes having him near. She felt safe, and new everything would be ok when he was around. After alittle Jamie's mind goes back to when she was to return him. Worry filled her. She had never been scaired to go home before till now. Looking down at her hands she speaks the smiles leaving her face as the worry sets in.*

"Con...When I go home. I know this is a big request, but do you think maybe you can stay a day or to with me? You dont have to...I just...think it would be nice to have someone around."

*Katie cant help but laugh as Jason and Kyle scoble. It was always funny to watch them.*

"You guys relize you sound like two chicken in a barn clucking right."

*Katie shakes her head at the site, her eyes dancing with laughter.*

"You always come in, make a comtion and than go running out Kyle. Whats up with that I am gonna start thinking I smell or something."

*Katie smiles and gives him a short wave as he leaves. As Jason informs her that he has the night off Katie squeels and claps the excitment showing on her face.*

"YAY...I get you all to myself tonight and sounds like your asking me on another date. Yes I'd love pizza but I'd like to get out for this date and come with you. I need to exersise my legs anyways. If you dont mind walking slow."

*Katie nods to her cane and smiles.*

*Nate makes his way back to TJY Coffee in hand. He new Reese probley dident need him right now but he wanted to be around anyways incase anything went down with Carson. Not to mention he wanted to watch over Ed too. Con was at the Hospetal with Jamie so he new his mind was alse where. As Nate makes his way to his Desk Ed lifts his head and sticks his toung out. Nate lets out a laugh.*

"Ya dont say."

*Nate drops a dead mouse into Ed.*

"Bet your hungry. Sorry you have to say here in this box, but mommy isent home yet and my sister Maggie would kille me if I was to bring you home. So this is where you will stay for now little guy."

*Nate flicks on the small tv haning on the wall by his desk. The camra that was in Carson's cell was also connected there.*

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