
No Dough

Looking sternly at Clint again as he washed up his hand Wes face took on a stern look. He understood he was upset and that he felt this was his own fault but he had to stop the pitty party. There were more important things at hand right now.

"You don't need a second job Clint, what you need is to get your head out of your butt.."

Wes continues to look at Clint there was sympathy in his eyes for him, but he was the man here and his wife and son needed him right now. If he wasnt there for them now it was all fall apart.

"...I understand your up set, and I know your greaving still but Clint your family needs you right now. You need to be home with Wendy and your son. They need your Clint not your parents. You need to be going through this with them, not away from them. Sometimes just holding someone is the best kind of comfort you can offer."

Finishing to wrap up Clint's hand Wes lays a hand on his shoulder. Sometimes he felt like Clint was his own son because he cared so much for the young man that he had to remember to stop back. He wasn't his father and he needed to not treat him like a child.

"Just remember whats important and that God's in controll Clint. Go home, they need you there. Your still getting payed."

Exiting the office Wes can only hope Clint will take his advise. Going to the dumped over tools Wes starts to clean them up.

Giving a laugh Bree looks at her Uncle as she hands him the files. Leaning into him and leaning her chin on his shoulder.

"Can we have pizza without the dough?"

Cocking a smile at her Uncle Bree cant help but the laugh that escapes her lips at his confused look.

"How about chicken with a garlic butter sause, cheese and...I guess we can have it on the dough this time around."

Hope gives a small chuckel at Scott. She was thankful for his help but she wouldnt need them anymore. Something just told her she wouldnt.

"Maybe I will put somethings in your storage but the fernature I wont need it anymore. I'd rather them go to you than collect dust."

Continuing to put a few things away Scott words he had said first came back to her. Stoping what she was doing for a moment Hope sinks down in her desk chair and leans her arms on the desk.

"Scott listen to me, I dont want you to think or even consider wishing you did things differently. Out of this whole thing I got you, and I feel close to complete. You Scott are worth it in my eyes and thats why I didnt give you up for my job. It was my choose, and I choose you."

Katie cant help the chuck as she listens to Jeff. No matter her mood he could always make her smile. Not to mention with his own illness he took in a joking madder.

"Oh Uncle Jeff, its going to be ok. Angel is still here trying to find more too. They are gonna figure it out I know they will."

Pushing off the fence Katie starts to talk a walk twords the barn.

"When ever your ready to come home, let me know ok? I'll come and get you."

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