
Pretty View

Clint finally looks into his uncle's eyes, and knows that he won't be able to get away with refusing his help at the moment. He gives in, turning towards the office.

Getting inside, he sinks down into a chair, still holding his hand. The lump that was in his throat seemed to be permanently lodged there as his emotions ran crazy. He didn't even know what to feel right now. So much was happening...

"I need to get back to working on the house," he mumbles. All work on his and Wendy's house had stopped, and he knew he needed to get back to it for more reasons that one. He felt so disconnected from everything right now. He didn't even know how to comfort his wife anymore. He hated seeing her cry - it tore him up inside. There had been so many tears lately though... would it ever end?

"And I need to get a second job or something... we're getting behind."

JT quirks an eyebrow. "You never told him where you worked? That's... odd. I wonder why he was asking about me anyway."

Something suddenly seemed very peculiar. "Well, if you see him again, I guess tell him hi. If he's looking for me, he should know where to find me now."

He shrugs off the strange feeling and stands up again, coming around to flop down next to his niece. "Alright. Let's review these cases before my brain implodes. But after that, it's mandatory that we order out for pizza and pig out, while talking about anything but work."

Scott's heart sinks as he hears what happened with Hope. He was glad she was honest with him, but he felt rotten.

Curling up in the corner of the couch, he pulls his knees up to his chest. "I'm... I'm sorry, Hope..." He doesn't so easily move on with the conversation. He felt too badly to talk about furniture right now.

"I wish... I don't know..." He bites his lip, his tone indicating how sorry he felt, even though he knew it really wasn't his fault. "I wish this hadn't happened to you... you help so many people... you didn't deserve this."

Sighing deeply, he knows it's best to follow Hope in the conversation, letting it shift. "Um, well... I could use a couple things I guess, but..." Those things were hers... she might need them again someday... somewhere.

"Tell you what... TJY's got a storage building about a block from headquarters... it'll take a security code to get in but... I'll give you mine. That way you can keep your stuff there until you've got a new place for it. I mean... after all... TJY sent me to you, and now this, so... I'd say they owe it to you, and besides, I don't use any space in there."

Jeff chuckles lightly. "Aw, kiddo, there's no fooling you, is there? You're getting too smart for your own good, ya know."

He pauses a moment, knowing he better just tell the truth. "No... no, Rick hasn't found anything. He... doesn't know what else to do. Upped my meds though." He forces a laugh. "Get me any more doped up and I'm gonna be on the ceiling, but at least it's a pretty view."

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