

Clint stares at Wes as he's given the lecture. He opens his mouth once, but shuts it quickly again as his uncle proceeds.

Hanging his head a little, he watches Wes go back out into the shop, and hears him picking up the tools. For the longest time, he just sits and thinks, trying desperately to sort through everything that was running through his mind.

Finally he stands up, cradling his hand that was more sore than he thought it would be. Stepping back into the shop, he wanders across the floor, his feet dragging a little. Passing by Wes, he stops for just a moment to lean down and pick up a wrench that Wes had missed.

He hands it to his uncle and catches his eye. He was sorry. Heading outside, he aims for the small medical building where Wendy still was.

"Pizza with no dough... yeah, that sounds good." JT rolls his eyes. "I don't know where you think this stuff up." Shaking his head, he laughs. "The chicken sounds good though. Pizza Box makes the best of that kind. I'll call it in, but we have GOT to go through these files."

He gives Bree a playful shove off his shoulder. "Unless you can figure out how to do work without the work."

His beeper suddenly goes off.

"No!" He doesn't even look to see who it is, but snatches the pager up off the coffee table to toss it over his shoulder, letting it land somewhere between here and the kitchen with a bang.

Groaning, he flops back into the cushions. "I love my job, can you tell?"

Scott can't help the warm feeling that creeps up on him as Hope speaks. Someone wanted him... after all he'd been through, was still going through, and after all the problems he'd had... she still wanted him.

He smiles a little. "I would have chosen you too," he replies quietly. "You've been my lifeline, Hope... I just wish that somehow... someday I can return the same to you."

"You just worry about yourself," Jeff chides lightly. "I got my ways of getting around, so you don't have to think about a thing. One of these days I'll just show up and there I'll be so keep looking over your shoulder."

Pausing a moment, his voice fades a little, his tone lowering from the forced enthusiasm he'd been trying to carry through. "I... I know we don't know what the future holds so... I just... well, if I never got the chance again, I just want you to know how proud I am of you."

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