

Looking up into Jason's eyes Katie doen't talk but just listens. Her eyes give a small spark trying not to get to excited, not yet.

Her own eyes reflect many emotions as she continues to listen not being able to help but feel a tiny bit bad for making Jason feel like he wasn't enough or doing his job as a man. Katie had never thought about it that way before.

Feeling Jason's hand on her face Katie couldnt help but close her eyes as the tears that formed in her eyes as the fall down her cheek. So many things were going on at once and so many emotions wer going on the connect wasnt back so her emotions were still feeling a little backed up not knowing how to completely release them.

Opening her eyes once more Katie looks at Jason giving a small smile.

"I've learned so many things myself J. I...am trying to work on asking for help and not thinking I need to do it on my own. I always thought I needed to be the Hero and if I couldn't help someone I was failing. But, I don't always need to stop bad thinking from happing. Sometimes I just need to sit back and listen, offer a shoulder and an encouraging word."

Taking Jason's hand in her own Katie than reaches out her other to take Jason into a tight hug. Just holding him for a long moment resting her tired head on his shoulder.

"I've still have so much to learn, and so much to deal with but I am trying. If you can keep working with me, I know we will be just fine."

Pulling away Katie takes a quick swipe at her eyes and leans in to give Jason a quick kiss before looking into his eyes again her own emotion present in them.

"So, does this mean you will marry me today?"

Katie cant help the smile that forms on her face as she eyes give a small sparkle, it had been the first time in a while she had smiled and it felt good even if it was only for one moment.

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