
Take care of you

Jason looks down a moment, then back to Katie's eyes. Facing her, he rests his hands on her shoulders. "No... I'm not going to take it anymore and neither are you."

Taking a deep breath, he lets it out slowly. "I've been trying so hard... to take care of you. You've always been my hero and... I felt like I wasn't living up to who I should be." He shrugs. "I'm the man... I want to take care of you too... I want you to be able to depend on me. I like it that you're my hero, but I just wished that I could be yours. So... I wanted to end the pain for you, even though you said it didn't really bother you. I thought that by stopping the problems with our connection, that it was the only way I could do my part... take care of you. I hate seeing you hurt when I hurt, even if you say you don't mind."

He bites his lip, cocking his head a little. "Then... I got yelled at and... I guess I realized that I was taking care of you the wrong way. That... if I really wanted to, then I needed to give you what you wanted. I hate the pain, but... you need those emotions just as much as you need the good ones to survive. So... my way of being your hero is... to let us be the way we were meant to be. I took it away because I thought that's what I could do for you, but... I see now that the best thing I can do is give us back our connection and... just... be there for you when there's pain instead of depriving you of it."

His hand cradles the side of Katie's face. "I'm sorry. I'm gonna try to be more understanding."

His gaze searches hers, the emotions evident, even though they couldn't yet be felt. "Are we gonna be okay?"

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