

Carson throws Misty a rebellious glance and steps in front of the target. He studies it for a moment, then shifts his body weight, cocking his head slightly and extending his right arm. For a brief instant, he’s total control, total focus. Eight rounds are fired off one after the other as he empties his pistol.

Stepping back, he looks at the target. Holes form a small circular pattern in the silhouette’s head, all so close they form one big hole. Carson shakes his head. “Four and six were off. Shouldn’t have such a big pattern.” He looks down to reload his gun, throwing Misty a sidelong glance. “Alright, Sassy, you’re up. I wanna see what you got so I know how to duck next time you get mad at me.”

Reese is about to respond to Katie, when Nate interrupts. “Lockheart is a lawyer that Katie recommended and called in for Jason. Sounds like she’s good.” He turns back to Katie. “I think Jason is probably withholding information to protect all of us here…and quite frankly, I don’t know what to do about it. If Lockheart can get him out of there without exposing TJY, that would be best… if not, I don’t know what’s going to happen.” He sighs. “Call her back, Katie, and set up a time to meet with her. Maybe around two o’clock before we can go see Jason. I’m sure three is when visitors are allowed again… That way we can talk to her, and at least you can go see him.”

Cindy can feel Wes sit beside her, his arms creating the shelter she needed. She turns to throw her arms around his neck, burying her face in his shoulders as the tears come. The smells of the shop, oil, grease and sweat had grown to be a comfort to Cindy, and she clings to him for several moments. “Oh, Wes…everything was so perfect…it was all going so well…” She sniffs and turns her head a little, her forehead against his neck. “Austin just told me that Jason has been arrested…for murder.”

She swallows hard, trying to get the tears to stop. “He said it was from when Rosalynn was taken…before I arrived here, when Jason shot that man who was going after Katie….and now he’s in jail.”

Mick puts his arms around Rosetta as she sits on his knee, and pulls her close, resting his head against hers. “Yeah…a walk sounds like a good idea.” He gives her a kiss on the cheek and stands up, taking her by the hand. “How about going down to the pond?”

“Come on, kid, don’t do this the hard way. Now why were you there?”

Jason stares across the table at detective Jackman, his hands cuffed behind his back, seated in a steel chair. The room was dimly lit…it was just him and the detective. “I want my lawyer in here,” he responds evenly.

Jackman’s hand slams onto the table as he rises from his chair. “I don’t care what you want. This is about what I want, and I want answers. We traced the murder back to you, and all I want to know right now is why you were there. Give me one straight answer, Jason.”

Jason grits his teeth in defiance. He’d know this was coming…he’d known they wouldn’t be playing by the rules with him. It didn’t make anything easier though. “I thought he was big foot.”

A back handed slap is brought across Jason’s mouth, sending blood from the new tear in his lip. His head whips to the side and he blinks, trying to recover before the next set of knuckles is planted to the side of his face, knocking him out of his chair.

Jackman reaches down and yanks him back up, roughly setting him back in his chair. “Now I warned you, boy. I’m not here to play games. Were you in on the drug deal Blake had going down? What was it? Did he double-cross you? Did you want him out of the way so you’d get the loot yourself?”

Jason glares up at Jackman, his anger starting to rise. “I murdered no one. If you think you can bully answers from me, then you’ve got another thing coming.”

Jackman straightens and sets his hands on his hips, giving a sarcastic laugh. “I don’t know why I’m even bothering. Whether you talk or not, you’re going to prison for the rest of your life, at least. I gotta tell you though…if you help me out here, you may be able to avoid the death penalty yourself.”

Jason can’t help it that he’s tempted by that offer. But he can’t be. He can’t talk. The more that would be brought up, the more questions there would be, the more names would come up, the more livelihoods would be at stake. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t risk it. His life was but small compared to TJY’s purpose. He couldn’t take the corporation down with him and as a result, cease their work altogether… let alone the fact that many others could end up in prison themselves.

He finally shakes his head slowly. “You’re not gonna get it, Jackman. I’ve said all I’m going to say.”

…Jason hits the floor, rolling into the cot, wincing with the impact. He can hear the cell door being slammed shut, the key turning in the lock as if foretelling of his fate.

He holds his sides and tries to catch his breath, pulling himself up onto the cot. He’d just endured a half an hour of beating, just because he’d kept silent. Was it really worth it? He hated himself for even asking that question.

Cringing, he holds his ribs tight as he shifts his weight. He was glad he had no mirror – he knew his face must prove what just happened. Not that it would do any good…the cops would just lie about it.

Jason closes his eyes and leans back against the wall, his mind trying to comprehend what was happening. His future was now a big foggy abyss, swallowing him up little by little, each step more treacherous than the last, and each filled with a fear that he would step off a cliff that he couldn’t see.

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