
That feeling

*Misty gives a smerk at Carson and pushes the red button again taking away the old target and puting a new one up. Steping up and making sure Carson was behind her Misty shoots 8 rounds. Once finished she looks at the target and sighs. 2 made it on the paper but dident hit the target, 2 hit in the middle of the head, 1 in the leg, 1 in the tummy, 1 in the next and 1 wasent even on the paper. Taking a step back Misty looks at Carson.*

"See...some gun slinnger I would make. Yours were ten times better even with a shaky hand."

*Katie nods to Reese in agreement.*

"I wouldent know what to do in this situation myself excepts do what Jason is going and not say anything. It kills me though knowing he's in there and it was cuz he was trying to save my life. Hopfuly Lockheart will find a way to say that without revealing TJY. She's good at wording things without lieing. I'll call her right now."

*Katie stands and starts to head for the door suddanly stoping. She becomes naushes, and her head starts to her, a horrable feeling coming over her. Something she hadsent felt for sometime now but without a doubt she new what it was. Katie sways alittle bit her head spinning.

Nate watches as Katie leaves. Seeing her sway a bit and almost fall over her runs to her side scooping her up in his arms so she dosent fall and hit her head. Slowly and gently Nate walks over to the overstuffed chair and in Reese office and sets Katie down in it.*

"Whoa there Hero we dont need you out again when you just got back. Whats wrong?"

*Nate instincively checks Katies eyes and checks her breathing and pulse. He's had to do it with Maggie before so without thinking wanted to make sure Katie was ok. After making sure she is on Nate nods at Reese questions filling his eyes.*

*Cindy's words strike Wes fast and hard. Jason, arrested for murder. Wes gets a sickning feeling in his gut. This was horrable, and poor Cindy. She had been through so much would it ever end? Wes own worry plaged his mind but tryed to keep the emotions undercontroll for Cindy's sake.*

"Oh sweety, I'm so sorry."

*Wes holds Cindy for a long while rubbing her back as she crying and running his hand through her hair. His neck and shirt were geting soaked but he dident care. Cindy needed his shoulder and she would never turn it away from her.*

"Its going to be ok. TJY will get Jason out of this, and Jason is a strong young man. He takes after his mother. Its gonna be ok."

*Rosetta smiles at Mick.*

"The pond sounds perfect."

*Following Mick outside the warm air hits Rosetts in the face Mick's hand wraped in her. The lawn had just been cut and the smell of fresh grass filled Rosetta's nose. The birds sang there song as Rosetta and Mike made there way to the pond.*

"I know this has to be pretty hard on you Mick. I couldent even imagen. But your doing good and your trying. No one can ask more than that. Dylan will come around sooner or later. Jade had gained your trust again thats a start. Your a good man, a good father, and I love ya every moment no matter what. Dont you ever think less of yourself ok."

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