
True love

Carson’s eyes widen at Misty’s shooting, and he studies the target for several seconds before daring to look at her. “You have my word, when you point a gun at me, I’ll behave.” He gestures to the target. “That poor bloke just died a slow and painful death.” A grin almost quirks the corner of his mouth, but not quite, though he throws Misty a wink.

Interrupting them is Rick’s voice over the intercom, professionally, but with an annoyed edge. “Misty…would you please come to the infirmary and bring your patient with you…”

Carson sighs. “Guess that would be us. Maybe I can blow something up later.”

Reese stands from his chair as Nate catches Katie. “Good heavens…” Reese joins Nate at the chair. “Katie…can you hear me?” Someone walking by his office catches his eye, and he sees his secretary. “Susanne – would you please bring a cold cloth and a glass of water right away?”

Susanne only pauses a moment. “Yes, of course.”

Reese frowns, and lays a hand on Katie’s shoulder. “Come on, hun, what happened?”

A few minutes later, Susanne comes back, and Reese puts the cold cloth to Katie’s face and forehead, trying to revive her.

Cindy falls into Wes’ comfort, hoping and praying that his words are true. Her crying gradually slows, and she sniffs, giving a short laugh. “I don’t think he takes after his mother anymore… now all I do is break down. I used to be able to handle everything.” She buries her head further into Wes’ shoulder. “But since I met you, I just feel like I’m always breaking down because I know you’re there to catch me.”

She stops and almost chokes on a laugh. “That was cheesy.” Her head still on his shoulder, her hand finds his, interlacing her fingers in his own. “But it’s true.”

Mick tightens his grip on Rosetta’s hand as they walked, grateful for her presence… grateful for her words.

As they reach the pond, he takes a deep breath of the outdoor air, trying to believe Rosetta. “Thanks…I guess it’s a little harder than I thought it would be. I didn’t think anything could be worse than losing my kids the first time… losing Dylan a second time hurts all the more.”

He stands, overlooking the pond, silent for several minutes, trying to get past these emotions…these thoughts. He couldn’t dwell on them…he could only move forward, and he knew he had those around him to help him do just that.

After several more minutes, he suddenly seems to have thought of something. “Oh…I’d been waiting for the right time…” He turns Rosetta around to face him, pushing back everything else that was going through his mind. “I don’t think I did a very good job of asking you to marry me.” Laughter plays in his eyes. “There was just something missing…” He reaches into his pocket, and takes her hand in his. “I know you know I love you, and I know you’d probably say you didn’t care, but I do, and I want everyone to know you belong to me.”

Slowly and gently, he slips a diamond ring onto Rosetta’s finger, it’s dainty brilliance sparkling in the sun.

Mick looks into Rosetta’s eyes, a slight smile on his lips. “I don’t know how I did without you for so long. Thank you…for waiting for me.”

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