

“Ha!” Laura throws Nate an annoyed but amused look. “Cut out the flirting or I’m gonna have to take you down myself, and Reese will fire both of us.”

She sidles into the car and peels her banana for breakfast. “You didn’t get any word from the office this morning did you? Any news on Jason?”

Carson cocks his head a little. “I don’t feel much like having you beat me up today either, so since we’re in agreement, I promise not to laugh.”

He follows Misty down the hall and to the lower level, his eyebrows rising as he sees all he didn’t know was there. He lets out a low whistle. “Man, you guys are more equipped than I thought.” He spies the floor mat and grins a little. “I wouldn’t mind sparring with a couple people around here – my bet is that the guys here know what they’re doing when it comes to fist fights.”

Carson glances to the short shooting range. “Ah, here we go.” He studies the case of guns. “Quite the arsenal – I’m impressed.” He pulls his own handgun from his back and checks the ammunition. “Lets kill us some targets.”

Jason listens to Lockheart, respecting her words, but still unsure how much good she can do. “I’ll cooperate as much as I feel I can, but I need your word that if I say not to bring something up, you won’t. No matter how much I explain to you, without having lived among these other people, you won’t fully understand.” He pauses, then starts to say something more when an officer appears at the door.

“Sorry, Lockheart, time’s up. You can come back at three this afternoon if you want more.”

Mick doesn’t have to turn around to know it’s Rosetta. He knows the touch, he knows the comfort she emits. He knows that she senses what he’s going through, and he needn’t explain. She knew him too well for him to have to go into details.

Without looking up, Mick reaches into his pocket and pulls out his keys. He reaches them back to her on a finger. “You better hang onto these for a while.”

Cindy’s face goes pale as she receives Austin’s words. “But…how…”

Austin reaches out to steady her as she sinks down on the porch step of her bunk. “It’ll be okay,” he assures. “TJY is working their hardest to clear this up, and Jason will be out in no time.”

Cindy swallows hard as her gaze falls to the ground, though she tries to be strong. “Okay…thanks for letting me know, Austin…I’ll…. Um… just keep me informed alright?”

“Of course.” Austin gives her shoulder a squeeze. He pauses a moment, not wanting to leave her, but not knowing what else he could do. How could be bring comfort to a mother who just found out her son had been arrested for murder?

Finally he turns to leave, knowing that Pete needed him back at the cabin.

Cindy’s lower lip begins to quiver as Austin leaves and a tear rolls down her cheek. How could this be happening? Everything was going so well. She’d talked to Jason just the other night, and he’s sounded so happy…so much happier than she’d ever heard him before. And now this…

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