
the start

*Nate smiles at Laura and shakes his head as he heads out the door locking it behind them.*

"Sorry I cant help it."

*Geting into the car he pulls out of the driveway. Keeping his eyes on the road she shakes his head*

"I havent hurd anything yet. I figured if anything to major happend Reese would of called us and if not he'd see us when we got in. "

*Nate lets out a worryed sigh. He dident want to make anyone worryed but he was worryed himself about what would happen. This was hard one to try and get out of.*

*Misty throws Carson a glance.*

"Hey Hey Hey watch it buddy the guys arnt the only ones that know how to fist fight around here."

*Misty sticks out her toung at Carson and than walks over to the case with the guns in it picking out her peace and geting ammo to go with it. Loading the gung Misty pushes a button that makes a beeping sound as a target comes up. Steping back Misty holds her hand to the side.*

"You first I wanna see what I am up aganst."

*Lockheart stands and takes her brefcase from the table.*

"You have my word Jason. As much as I can give it. I'll see you this afternoon more."

*Lockheart stands and makes her way to the door eyes the officer as she leaves. Once outside she pulls out her phone.*

*Rosetta takes Mick's keys and puts them back down on the table. How much pain he must be going through to want to drink again after he had been doing so good. Rosetta moves around the the front of Mick her arms around his neck still. Siting down on one of his legs she smiles and than gives him a tight squeeze.*

"Its going to be ok Mick."

*Rosetta hated seeing Mick like this it made her heart hurt. She had thought for sure Dylan would warm up to Mick but he hadent. All Rosetta could do was comfort Mick and be there for him.*

"Want to take a walk and clear our heads? Its a nice day out."

*Wes emerges from the shop to see Austin walking away from Cindy's bunk and Cindy siting out the porch. He couldent tell she was crying but something struck his heart telling him something was wrong and Cindy wasent ok. Wes mind races, there wedding was weeks away could it be something to do with that? Wes wasent sure but before he new what was going on his legs carryed him very quickly to Cindy's bunk. As he drew near and could hear Cindy's sobs and see the tears run down her cheak he breaks out into a run. Finally reaching Cindy he wraps his arms around her just holding her for a moment seeing she wasent harmed. His voice is soft as her speaks.*

"Hey Hun, whats wrong? whats going on? Why are you crying sweetheart? Talk to me...are you ok?"

*As Katie hangs up the phone at her desk she walks to Reese office knocking than entering like she had so many times before.*

"Reese, I just got off the phone with Lockheart. She said Jason finally warmed up to her and said he would talk but she also said that he had stressed that somethings about there were complacated and if he was to drag anyone into this he would fear runeing there lifes. Lockheart said she dident think this was going to be easy, but she was going back at 3 to talk with Jason more, and she wanted to talk to me and Jason's boss, you at some time. I know you dont know who she is but she is really good. If anyone can get Jason out of this Lockheart can."

*Nate peeks his head into Reese office as he finally made it to work and in one peace.*

"Who's Lockheart?"

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