
strange behavior

Jay stops mopping up his mess as he hears his sister's voice. "Rosetta?" He frowns. They hadn't talked in a long time...why would she be calling...and why did she sound nervous? "What's wrong?"

Jason's shoulders drop just a little at Katie's response. "Alright....I'll go find someone about getting you something to eat...." On his way out, he pauses in the doorway, turning back around. "Don't worry about it Katie....please try to forget about this morning. I really do want it to just be water under the bridge." Not waiting for a reply, he heads out into the hall, flagging down a nurse.

It's not much later that a nurse brings in some food for Katie, apologizing for the delay, and completely embarrassed that Katie had been overlooked. She tries to make up for it by letting her know that she smuggled in some chocolate pudding from the kitchen without the cook knowing about it.
Time passes, and Jason still doesn't return, but Wyatt shows up in the doorway with another bouquet of flowers and a smile. "Hey, you're awake." He enters and sets the flowers down on the table, turning a chair around to straddle so he can talk with Katie. "Saw Jason down the hall on the phone deep in conversation so I figured I could squeeze in a few minutes with you, if you're up to chatting."

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