

Con drops the other three off at the front door of the hospital and goes to park the car. Mick reaches out to take Rosetta's hand with reassurance, and Jeff trails behind, letting them go ahead. Once inside, the nurse tells them which floor and room number Katie is in.

Jason's face reddens slightly at Katie's question, despite him trying to cover up his hesitance. He just couldn't pull it off with her like he did with other people. "Oh, I left it over at...Con's place...with the rest of my stuff." A quick glance away from Katie's eyes proves that once again he's not given the truth. "I didn't know you liked it that much...." He'd been playing in the evenings for Katie, but hadn't thought much of it. He shrugs. "So...did you have a good time with Wyatt? Anyone else stop by? I went by the office and Laura said she was hoping to come by tonight...I think some people don't want to bother you too much, so they haven't been too quick to come down here, though I told them I thought you'd enjoy some company off and on."

"Oh come on!" Jay moans in frustration at the young woman behind the counter. "I need to get there tonight!"

"I'm sorry, sir, but there were complications with the plane and we were forced to keep it grounded. The fastest flight out of here to Nevada I can get you leaves at three in the morning."

Jay rubs his forehead as a headache forms. He'd never experienced such hassles at an airport before. "I'm...I'm sorry. It's just...I'm trying to get to my daughter who's in a hospital up there and I'm desperate."

The young woman looks at him with sympathy. "I really am sorry..."

"I know." Jay sighs, giving up. "Just do the best you can to get me out of here as soon as possible." He turns away to and find a chair to sink into.

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