
Strange Event

Jason smiles, trying to reassure Katie. He would tell her what was going on, but something holds him back. He'd much prefer if he could get this situation out of his hair and come out on the other side with his dignity still in tact, no matter the outcome. It was best that no one knew...he didn't want the situation to escalate any more than it had. He should have flat out told the sheriff he wouldn't go with him...but that would have only made things more difficult since the sheriff had been so determined. After this meeting though, he was confident they'd let him go with not so much as a 'thanks for coming' farewell - surely they wouldn't see any reason to call him back in after this. It was ridiculous that he'd get called in in the first place! From here on out, he'd just have to be more careful not to draw attention to himself...it was bad enough being embarrassed once, he didn't need it all over again.
"Everything's fine. No worries." He takes Katie's hand to give it a squeeze, seeing the slight fear behind her eyes. "I'll be back so quick you won't even know I was gone," he teases. "Don't go anywhere."

Con nods. "Alright. We can drive over to the airport here in a while then and get going."

Jeff thinks for a moment, then nods his gratefulness to Rosetta. "I'd like come along, if that's okay."

It's over two hours before Jason finally gets back to the hospital. He rides the elevator up to the second floor, trying to get his body language to portray that everything was fine. He had to get the shock to wear off, and quick. How had this happened?
He steps out into the hall and slowly goes towards Katie's room. It was eight o'clock...probably no one had come from TJY yet to check on her...he hadn't planned on being gone that long.
Pausing at the door, he takes a deep breath, trying to straighten out everything that had happened. He never would have expected the reactions he received. And they weren't going to let him go as easily as he'd hoped. Con had been right...but if there was one thing that scared Jason, this was it.

He enters Katie's room with a smile. "Hey you...how you doing?"

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