

*Katie eyes slowly opens as she hears Wyatt and Jason outside the door. There had been surveillance cameras put into the Hotel. Katie now new Wyatt saw what happend with Jason and her that night when they fell asleep on the coutch but she dident feel bad about it. Listing Wyatt more her eyes widen at his question. Why Wyatt, why at a time like this would you bring up that question. Katie listens intently to Jason's reply. A small smile on her face. Suddonly Katie remember what she needed to talk to Wyatt about. Katie's heart sank. She was stuck in the middle of a cross road and she could go 2 ways. She could chase after the guys she liked since she met him but was hurt by, or she could go down the safe path with the guy who liked her back but even though said he trusted her dident that much was easy to tell. Katie lets out a small sigh and her eyes close again. She would have alot of time on her hands to figure out the right path to follow.*

*As morning comes Katie's ears fill with Jason's voice and the sound of him struming away. A smile creeps on her face as she opens her eyes. Slowly turning her head she looks over at Jason. Katie dosent say a word but just listens the the music. It calms her soul. Her want to move around, it seems to almost bring her peace.*

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