

*Misty studys Wyatt for a long moment. Listing to the words he said. They rubbed her the wrong why, but she tryed to remain cool.*

"Thank you Wyatt for looking out for me, but you guys dont see Carson like I do. Ya he has had a bad past, ya he isent perfect, but I see something deeper. I see into his soul and though it has its clouds I have seen the sun. I have broken though and I like what I see. All guys have patterns Carson and not everyone had the joy of growing up like you did. Some have rough pasts and deserve that second chanse. I feel close to Carson and I dont want that feeling to stop. He's differnt cous and he makes me happy."

*Misty turns slowly as Rick calls her starting to walk into the infermary.*

"And Wyatt if he does drop me one day, i'll be sad but its nothing I havent delt with before. At least I can be happy now and hope that he will stick around. Surly you must know how that feels to have hope in someone and to care?"

*Misty disapears into the office to go through the blood samples.*

~*~Moments Later~*~

*As Misty sits at her desk she can hear the voices of Hal, Reese and Carson raising up and down. What on earth was going on. Couldent there be peace even alittle one day. Couldent everyone leave everyone alone. Misty steps to the door and listens. Why was everyone always bullying Carson. Steping out from the door Misty walks up to Reese and Hal.*

"You know its hard to consintrate with all this yelling?"

*Misty shakes her head trying to hold her toung but if there was one thing she was bad at it was that.*

"Why cant you guys just leave Carson alone? You already had the living crap beat out of him to prove he was on ourside what more can you ask from the guy? Ya maybe he shouldent have been drinking, but you cant keep him caged up eather its just not fair. Why can you guys open your eyes and see what I see? Someone who is kind, caring and trying to turn himself around? You have to give him a break."

*A tiny tear makes its way into Misty's eye as her anger builds. Knowing she needed to walk away before she blew she turns and makes her way down the hall for her break heading down below to the rec area. Maybe throwing some darts would calm her down. Entering the room Misty cant help but smile remembering her kiss with Carson down there. He was differnt, he was special to her. He made her feel alive, he gave her a spark. Walking over to the dart board Misty grabs the darts than back up behind the throwing line.*

"Why dont they understand?"

*Misty throws a dart bulls eye.*

"Why cant they let be what will be?"

*Misty throws another dart bulls eye.*

"Why dont they understand us and who we are?"

*Misty throws another dart pulls eye. A smile starts to form on Misty's lips.*

"Your kiss is always so sweet Carson and everytime it feels like the first again."

*Misty throws another dart as she thinks about carson, this time is hits 2 rings outside the bulls eye. Going to the bored Misty runs her hand along the dark the she had simbalised as her feelings for Carson and nots it dident even come close to the bulls eye. For a long while Misty just stairs at the bored not relizing any noise or sights around her.*

*Katie hangs up her phone and stands from her desk. Seeing Rick on the otherside of the room with Hal she slowly makes her way over not relizing what happend moments before with Misty. As She draws closer she can see the look on the two men's faces.*

"Umm...excuse me Reese do you have a moment if I am not intarupting anything."

*Wes wraps Cindy in a warm embrace again.*

"I'll see if I can wing that for you."

*Wes gives Cindy a kiss on the top of the head as he smiles holding her. This was the start to a wonderful road that would get better and better as it went.*

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