

*Rosetta goes to the barn checking on the horses and feeding them for the morning. Than running back to the mess hall she enters taking off her hat and jacket hanging it up. Looking around she gives a small wave to Mick and smiles going to the kitchen to grab some coffee.*

*Wandy makes her way to the mess hall entering her hair is all wet and madded down. Grabing some coffee and a towl she puts it on her head trying to dry it. Siting next to Clint she smiles.* "Morning."

*Wes enters taking his hat off he heads to the kitchen for some Coffee. smiling he come up behind Cindy.* "Morning! You look tired still. You would think someone kept you out all night or something."

* After hoping out of the shower hatie throws on her white and black striped sweater and jeans. also throwing on her sunglasses. Katie leaves her bunk what had happend the night before still fresh in her mind. Con's words bring her a small bit of comfort that there will always be brighter days. Brighter days that would not be for a while. As Katie nears the pourch she can hear shouting and can sence something is wrong with her 2 friends. Drawing closer she over hears Jason and Con. A new anger burns inside her. Jumping up onto the pourch Katie stands in front of Con meeting Jason's eyes. A loud crack of thunders rolls feeling one inches away. The fire in Katies eyes still burning. In a harsh booming voice she says." I FOLLOWED YOU TO TIMBUCK TO AND BACK. I RISKED MY PLACE HERE AT THE RANCH TO HELP YOU GET YOUR JOB BACK. I WANED YOU TO BE HAPPY. AND THAN THE ONE SIMPLE THING I WANTED, THE ONE THING THAT I NEW I SHOULD DO, WHERE I FOUND MY PLACE AND YOU TRYED TO SNUFF IT OUT. SO WHAT IF I LIKED YOU. EVERYONE HAS CRUSHES OR LIKES PEOPLE. ITS CALLED BEING A HUMAN. LOOK AT YOU, EVEN YOU HAVE YOUR LITTLE CRUSH IN THERE." *Without relizing it what happend, Katie raises her hand and slaps Jason across the face.* "When are you going to grow up, and relize whats in front of your face."

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