

Mick grins at Rosetta, tossing her a wink as an invitation for her to sit with him when she’s ready.

Clint straightens in his seat stifling a yawn. “Hey there, Princess. Sleep well?”

Cindy offers a small smile to Wes, though her eyes this morning show some kind of a dimness that wasn’t there before. She chuckles softly, though no joy rings in her laughter. “Nothing that a bit of coffee and an afternoon nap can’t fix.” She lowers her eyes, unable to look Wes in the face.

Con takes a step backward as Katie intervenes, and a knot forms in his gut as he realizes she’s overheard everything. He opens his mouth to talk her down, but it’s too late.

Jason’s stares at Katie as she shouts at him, her words striking him like a barrage of bullets. His eyes narrow angrily as she accuses him and makes reference to Jade. Her tone stabs him like a knife, and his adrenaline starts to race, his jaw tightening with the tension.

Con stands back in shock, not even knowing whether he should intervene or not, but can’t get a word in edgewise.

Jason’s straightens, ready to give Katie a piece of his mind, when her hand makes contact with his face. His head jerks to the side with the impact of her slap. Lost in a moment of pure instinct to defend himself, his reflects react immediately, bringing his own arm up with a closed fist, aimed for her jaw.

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