
Lost and found

*Rosetta puts her arm around Cindy.* "Hey..there there now. Talk to me. I am a good listener and its been known that i give soe pritty handy addvise once an a while too." *Rosetta pats Cindy's back and sits down on the bed next to her waiting to listen to her hurting friend. A idea pops into her head.*" How about we go out to dinner tonight. A girls night out and we can talk if you want. Maybe some time away will be good. It can be over whelming being here all the time. After a while you get use to it though."

*Katie pears around the clearing. Seeing nothing she is about to leave when the sight of a body by a tree catches her eyes.* "There by that tree." *Katie does dashing across the clearing and down by Jason.* "Jason...oh Jason. Your really not smart sometimes are you. You should learn to always carry candy with you." *Looking back at Con she yells.* "CON come here with that candy bar." *looking back to Jason all anger is lost.* "Its ok J. We have something for you."

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