
Let me see

Cindy begins to calm down even more as her tears begin to dry. "I feel so silly...I'm thirty-seven years old and am acting like a high-school girl." She shakes her head. "I want to trust Wes...and I don't believe he'd hurt me on purpose...I've never met anyone like him, and..and I really do like spending time with him." She swallows hard. "But I made a mistake once....I've never had confidence in my judgment since. I mean, what if I'm wrong? What if I end up disappointing him? I don't want to hurt him any more than I want myself getting hurt." She heaves a sigh, feeling as though she's babbling. "I'm sorry...I just don't know what to do." She finally looks up at Rosetta. "I'm scared to talk to him about it."

Jason forces a weary grin at Katie's comment about getting away that easy, but doesn't have a comeback. He grimaces she and Con pull him up to his feet, and he automatically puts more weight on Con than Katie, not wanting to burden her physically or mentally.

Con raises a concerned eyebrow. "You alright?"

"No." Jason shakes his head miserably. "I cranked my knee good this morning, and it's swelled up pretty good now. I can't hardly move it."

"Well, we'll take it slow." Con glances to Katie. "Let's get him to his bunk."

The going IS slow, but within a few minutes they finally make it to Jason's bunk. Con helps him into a dry shirt and cutoffs, and gets him to sit on his bed with his leg propped up. Not much is said as Con looks at Jason's knee and re-wraps it after applying something that will help the swelling. When done, he looks at both Katie and Jason. "I think the three of us need to talk before things get out of hand again." He glances at Katie specifically. "But before that, I want to look at your hand. You may not want Angel or your aunt knowing what happened, but at least let me see it."

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