
this must end

*Rosetta smiles at Mick.* "Summer is on its way thats for sure with all this rain." *Rosetta leans into Mick's arm. It was so nice to feel it around her. She could this this way the start of what they had both been waiting for, for a long time.* "We I have most of the morning stuff done. But will need some help with the afternoon stuff and you are more than welcome to help me than."

*Katie watches as Con and Jason start to go at it. What has she started. As she watches on she feels helpless not knowing what to do. As Jason crys out in pain Katie cringers, pain running through her own body. Katie drops to the ground. Managing a horse yell she says.* "Con....CON, thats enough please." *Katie manages to stand again leaning aganst the railing. Katie was happy that Con was a good enough friend to try and protect her, but seeing her other friend in pain was a hurting emotion.* "What have I done."
*Watching her two friends fight had put a new sadness into her. She had started this. It was her fault. She let her emotions get the best of her. Limping she takes off for her bunk house. Once inside anger corses through her again. This time at herself. As she thinks more and more anger fills her till finally she punches the bunk room wall. Katie can feel several cracks in her hand as fist and wall calide. Giving a sharp yell in pain she holds her hand. Looking down at it she can tell she broke a few knuckles. Grabing a ace bandage from her backpack she wraps her hand not wanting to go back outside to face everyone. She was to embarssed at her actions. Surly she had pushed her friend to far this time. Tears fill Katie's eyes once again as she slids down to the bunk house floor.*

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

*Sam smiles as she sits and eats an early lunch with BJ. Sam phone rings at her side. As she looks down she see it is the "Boss" calling. Sam new it would only be a matter of time before he called. Sam stands and smiles at BJ.* " I'll be right back." *Leaving the kitchen she heads into the Living room answering the phone.*

Sam: Hello?
The Boss: Sam, I just got word from Stan about your actions of taking Jason out places. Why?
Sam: He is a growing boy. He needs to run, have friends, and not stay inside all the time..
The Boss: You know you are not to take him out Sam. Anyone could reconise who he is.
Sam: We are far enough away no one would I know...
The Boss: I am having someone come and take him away Sam.
Sam: What...
The Boss: I have warned you to many times. Jason is to important to us for you to jeprodise it.
Sam: But...

*The phone line goes dead. Sam lets out a long sigh. Slowly she walks back to the kitchen standing in the door way she watches BJ. He has a bunch of his actions figures lined up on the table. Each haveing a torn peace of napkin in front of them with a noodle from his Mac and Cheese in front of him. Sam's heart is heavy as she watches him. So innocent. She wasent given a chanse at life and now neather was BJ. Sam couldent let the Angency take BJ. Sam new if she did BJ's life would be in danger. She had to do something, but what. Sam sits back down at the table and finishes her lunch with BJ.*

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