

Cindy swallows hard and peaks in the shop window. Having seen Clint heading for the mess hall, she knows Wes is alone. Taking a deep breath, she knocks on the door.

Jason works his jaw muscles as Katie talks, knowing his reasoning all too well. But how many more times could he try to make her understand? Was it even possible? Would arguing even do any good?

Con cocks his head at Katie, feeling sorry for her as he realizes her misery. He turns to Jason, sensing he’s become a referee, and tosses him a look that says, “What say you, Jason?”

Jason shakes his head, letting out a short sigh. “Katie…if you truly heard everything, I’d think you’d understand.” He forces himself to keep his voice at an appropriate level, leaving out any sarcasm. “The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you - You’ve got to believe that. I wanted to do what was best, and I thought that simply telling Reese and Carter no was the best option. Letting you in on it would have just complicated things, and it did.”

“Why?” Con intervenes to prompt further explanation.

Jason catches himself from rolling his eyes. Con really was putting him in an awkward position. “Must I repeat myself?”

“Put all your cards on the table, Hotshot.”

Jason grits his teeth. “Alright. I don’t think it’s healthy for any partnership when one person has feelings for the other. It’s dangerous and it interferes in their work. Reese wants us to be a team, but he doesn’t understand our circumstances. I can’t have a partner who not only feels about me in an unhealthy manner, but is also jealous of who I have chosen to pursue.”

Con cringes a little, but can’t rebuke for lack of honesty. He swings his head back to Katie. “What do you think about that?”

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