

*Rosetta smiles at Cindy. No feelings over laping themself with Wes. She new it dident work with them and now they are both moving on.* "Awww...Cindy. Wes can be a pritty over whelming person. He is a good guy thought with a good heart that is big. If your scaired he will hurt you, you dont have to worry about that. I've seen the look in his eye, He truly likes you Cindy." *Rosetta thinks for a moment before speaking again.* "Maybe Cindy you should talk to him. I am sure he dosent know this is bothering you, and he would like to know. Its always good to talk to someone about a problem that way things dont get miss understood." *Rosetta holds her smile to Cindy.*

*Katie smiles at Jason, the pain trobbing in her hand still there but masked* " Your far from a loser." *Katie lets out a sigh of releaf as Jason's sugar starts to go up. Giving a laugh to his comment.* "The firing line huh? You only wish you could go out that fast and easy." *Katie manages another smile to Jason. Throwing his arm around her neck, and winces again in pain but ignors it. Katie helps Jason up.* " Come on. Lets get you out of the rain before you catch death of a cold."

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