

*Rosetta smiles.* "I was heading into town and wanted to know if you needed any...." *Rosetta stops talking as she see Cindy has been crying. Worry seting in.* "Hey, are you ok?"

*Katie nods* "Ya I can help." *Geting up she throws her coat on wincing just a tad as she slips her hand through her jacket sleeve. Slowly she heads for the door. Remebering she had an orange in her back pack she grabs it and buts it into her coat pocket.* "Ok...let check the barns, than the clearing where we target practice. Than we can look behind the tool shead. There is a nice clearing there with a tree for shelter. Those should be our starting place." *Heading out with Con they starts to look.*

~*~ Somewhere Alse.~*~

* After lunch is done Sam sent BJ up to take a nap. Siting down on the coutch she lets out a long sigh. Weaghing many options in her head Sam finally come to a conclution. She new what she had to do. It was BJ's only hope at life, even though it ment risking her. Geting up Sam heads to her desk and starts to write a letter.*

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