

*Rosetta's smile remain. How many times has she said the same words in her own head about Mick.* " Ya know, if we always went through life worrying about hurting someone, or disapointing them, If we wouldent take chanses than we would live in a pretty boring world. and The best thing about Wes is he is the easyest person to talk to. You might be nervouse and you might be scaired. But really its something you need to do. For your own happyness. You both deserve it." *Rosetta pats Cindy's hand and stands.* "well I better get to the store before Mick thinks I got lost and sends out a search part. My offer still stands if you want to come along."

*Katie walks along with Con helping Jason to the bunk. Once there Katie trys to hide her hand. Looking up at Con she knows there is no keeping it from him. Slowly she unwraps it revealing her swallen and black and blue hand. Slowly the bruses are creeping up her fingers. Katie looks up at Con and than to Jason, than to the floor.* "Its really not all that bad. It just needs a splint and once the swelling and brusing goes down it will look like hardly nothing. Honest." *A feeling of shame fills Katie. Her actions were so not like her. There was only one other time she had reached her boiling point before this and it had been a long time since that. No she remembered why she hated it. Cuz in the end, everyone got hurt. More often than not, she never saw them again eather.*

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