
Don't know what to do

Cindy's lower lip quivers and she backs up, letting Rosetta in. "No," she whimpers, "I'm not okay." She sits down at the end of the bed by her open suitcase. "I...I just...." She buries her face in her hands, the tears flowing again. "I feel like such a fool...but I can't help it..." She sniffs and lifts her head again, not looking Rosetta in the eye. "I don't know what to do...I mean...I want to leave, but I want to stay, and I'm just so confused." She knows she's not making any sense at all, but was Rosetta really the person she could talk to about Wes? After all, it hadn't been that long ago that those two had almost been engaged.

Con breathes a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Katie. I owe you." As they go out the door, he pauses, looking down at her. "And...I'm sorry about this morning. We all need to sit down and talk about it calmly...I shouldn't have lost my temper like I did." Changing subjects quickly, so as not to distract for their current problem, he reaches in his pocket to pull out a chocolate bar he'd been saving. "If Jason's that far down, he'll need something that will act quicker than that orange. Come on."
He leads the way out into the drizzle, the thunder rolling above. Getting out behind the barn, he starts to call. "Jason! Jason were are you?!"
He heads in the directions Katie suggested, coming up empty-handed. Finally they head to the clearing where the target is set up. Con squints through the rain, scanning the area. "See anything?" he asks Katie.

Jason fights sleep, knowing he needs to stay awake. From the position he's in, he can just make out movement in the clearing to his left. He opens his mouth, but no words seem to come, and his eyes try to drift shut again.

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