
The Call

*Wes yells from in the shop.* "Ya...come on in I am in the back." *Wes looks out from underneath a car.*

*Katie stands.* "Thats all I needed to know Jason. But let me give you a word of addvice with your relationship with Jade. Always tell her everything no matter what. Dont ever hide anything. It hurts 10x more when they find out in the end. No matter how hard someone can be they still have feelings, and they still get hurt when you hide stuff." *Katie plays her words in her mind, and keep her tone calm with a sadness to it still.* " You hurt me the moment you dident tell me Jason. and You new what you were doing. Dont play stupid. It may work with everyone alse but not me. As for Jade, it would of been nice to know. You said I was your friend, well your friend would of liked to know. It wouldent have hurt as much to hear it from you and not find out from seeing them kiss. I'm sorry I interfeared, and I am sorry I had feelings for you." *Katie walks to the door, looking to Con again.* "I'm sorry, I cant sit here anymore or I am going to explode. I've taken alot in my life. but this cuts the cake. I'm sorry." *Katie makes her way out of the bunk house and across the lawn. Taking out her cell phone she dials Reese phone number that no one new she had. The phone rings.*

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