

Con raises his eyebrows in surprise as Katie approaches him, but he grins and gives a little bow. He knows good and well that she would have much rather have been with a certain young man tonight, and he isn’t going to spoil her evening further by declining. “I was bored anyway.” He winks at her. “Besides that, how could I say no to the prettiest young lady here?” He takes her hand and spins her out onto the floor, immediately proving that he knows what he’s doing.

Jade and Jason are at a table by themselves, laughing and chatting, and interacting with the others around them, enjoying each others company.

Cindy sighs with content, the warmth in the building bringing a glow to her cheeks. She nods at Wes. “Actually, some punch sounds awfully good right about now.” She smiles at him. “Thank you.”

Mick can’t help but enjoy having Rosetta in his arms as they dance. He grins at the memories that are brought up. “Yeah…we had fun, didn’t we?”

Clint finds a small table for Wendy and him to sit at, and gets them both something to drink as they talk and laugh.

Sparky and Mel spend most of their time on the dance floor until someone from church spots Sparky and asks him to join the band to play guitar. He resists at first, but Mel encourages him to do it, so he finally gives in and finds a spot on stage with the other guys, receiving a round of applause from the gang. Mel finds a seat by herself, but is quite content to watch Sparky.

Luke and Angel dance for a while until his legs grow tired and they wind up with a small group from church at a table where a game is underway.

The room is full of gaiety as thoughts of the case and turmoil are forgotten, if only for a few hours. But all too soon, the evening starts to draw to a close with the announcement of the last song of the night. Most couples are too tired to dance more, but still the floor remains active with those who are unwilling to give up just yet. The lights are dimmed and a slow song begins to play.

Jade glances to Jason and nods to the floor. “Want to?”

“Like I’m capable.”

Jade gives him a sly grin. “You should be able to handle a dance at this speed. Come on.”

Jason resists. “You said you have two left feet.”

Jade giggles. “So? We can’t leave this evening without having danced at all.” She stands and holds out her hand, sticking out her lower lip. “Pleeease?”

Chuckling, Jason rises with an exaggerated sigh. “Alright. For you.” He leaves his cane and limps gingerly onto the floor where he and Jade begin to sway slowly to the music. She offers herself as some support though after a few minutes, winds up resting her head against his chest instead, lost in the blissful moment.

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