
I can help

Getting into the car with Carson Katie is quiet for a moment just thinking as she heads back to TJY. She didnt want to say to much for Carson because it was Reese place and not hers. Giving a chuckle before replying.

"You in trouble...never!"

Turning serous again she gives a shake of her head.

"No your not in trouble just Reese needs to talk to you about something is all."

Looking up at Laura quickly as he hears her voice Nate would almost think he was dreaming if she hadnt been standing right there. Hearing her voice was like water to a person who had non, food to a begger that was hungry.


Nate manages to say. Still looking at her and taking in how pretty she was even now Nate dosnt look away.

"I'm sorry to for not just letting you yell at me. I guess, I've just had a lot on my mind and I wasnt there for you. So for that I am sorry."

Wanted to say more Nate is not sure how to say it. But what harm could it do now right.

"I...still love you Laura. Its not something I can help. I just wanted you to know that."

Looking down at the papers on his desk Nate draws silent. He hope he didnt over step his bounds again saying that just something inside pushed him to, to just let Laura know how he still felt.

Easing down next to Axel Jess sits on the floor and as normal would have it reaches out to take Axel's hand and help him out.

"How did everything go with talking to Rocky?"

Jess had hurd some of the conversation but not everything as she tryed not to ease drop. She only hoped all went well and it would be a little easyer for Axel to return to Nevada though she had to admit, only being in the house a few days she would miss how comfortable it was too.

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