
Stuck with me

Turning her head just a little to see Maria Charlotte cant help but rolls her eyes.

"I'm still here with ya babe, for a moment I had a pesky bug in my ear."

Consternating on the track again Charlotte does her best not to pay attachen to Maria. She wouldnt take crap from anyone but she didnt exactly want to go looking for a fight eather.

Looking to Kirk and Landon she gives a small nod with confadince in her voice.

"From what I head Bret was quite the hit back when he raced. He is closer to his old times with each day?! Theres no doubt he will be on top again soon."

Charlotte couldnt help the laugh that came from her lips. As she was proud of Bret, and new he could do it she just put in the little bit more info to show Maria she as well new what she was talking about before she even had a chanse to think differntly.

"As long as I have something to do with it anyways he will be. So I guess that means you guys will be stuck with seeing me around more often. Not that I mind, I think I like it here already. I'll be Bret's right hand lady at home, and here."

Charlotte gives a side long glance to Maria holding her toung from saying anything. Looking back to the track and consintrating on Bret.

Sitting at his desk Nate twirls his pencil around. For the last few hours he has tryed to consintrate on work but it just hadent worked. His mind kept skipping from one thing to another, from Laura, to his sister and back again.

Nate felt at his wits end with emotions and no where for them to go. Like a lost child that tryed to hold strong and sort through everything but just couldnt. He new things he should do, but just didnt know the right way to do them anymore without making the wrong turn.

Looking down at the picture on his desk Nate runs his fingers over Laura's sweet face. How he missed her voice, and how he missed her smile. Nate just wanted things to be like they were again, but they couldnt be specialy if Laura was intrested in someone alse now and it was partly his fault.

Heading out of TJY Katie gets into her car and heads in the direction of Mom and Pop's.

I'll be back J, just checking to see if Carson is at work to bring him back. I'll be back shortly.

Within minutes Katie is at Mom and Pop's making her way inside. Giving a nod to everyone Katie goes to the counter and motions for Carson to come out. Waiting till he is close enough so she dosnt have to shout Katie gives a smile but her eyes show there was more than a social call.

"Sorry to bother you are work and all Carson but Reese asked me to come and get you. We need you back at TJY its important."

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